The Romans 6 Factor

I will confess right here and now.

I am a passionate San Francisco Giants baseball fan.

I grew up in the California Bay Area, and my dad took my brother and me to a number of Giants games. We sometimes went with our Little League teams. Being at Candlestick with them and watching Mays and McCovey, even Maddox and Matthews play ball was transcendently enchanting. When they finally won San Francisco-residing World Serieses in not only 2010 but 2012 and 2014, it was rapturously delightful.

What is even more agonizing is I will never stop rooting for them. I still occasionally peek in to see how they are doing there in the standings, hope they're doing okay -- indeed right now they are a winning team and this weekend taking on the hated Dodgers.

Of course I actually like the Dodgers but only if we clobber them often enough. It is no good to play ball against nobody -- you've got to have a bitterly detested archenemy to loathe with all your guts.

The Los Angeles Dodgers are that fierce rival.

Tomorrow night the Dodgers will be playing that game against the Giants on a theme night that has earned them the loud opprobrium of many, particularly those in more entrenched traditional religious communities. They will be having their "Pride Night," and they've announced they will be openly honoring a group of LGBTQ+ people who flamboyantly dress as nuns merely to ridicule the Roman Catholic institution expressly because of its overly repressive ways. 

This group is just one of many such groups who are taught well by the Frankfurt School who tell them that all this white patriarchy dominant culture stuff has been keeping them from being who they truly are sexually, and to go ahead and make the biggest scene you can because if anyone says you can't they'll just be called bigoted Nazis. And no one wants that.

The Dodgers got caught up in that morass very easily.

It was also easy for detractors to rail against the Dodgers for doing so, but there will still be several thousand in attendance tomorrow night -- though I can't imagine this group garishly dressed up in nun outfits won't be booed off the planet tomorrow night when they receive their award of some kind.

The other thing is that it isn't only the Dodgers who are brazenly part of the enablement of the sodomist maelstrom. Every team is doing it. In fact just about every major corporate operation in this country right now is doing something during this "Pride Month" to virtue-signal about how much they are not racist and not sexist and not homophobic and not transphobic and not plantation-owning and not whatever other evil thing every angry older white male kind-of person is supposed to be.

This means my beloved Giants are doing it too. In fact I saw that the Texas Rangers were the only major league baseball team not holding any kind of "Pride Night" thing. Good for them. At least there is that.

But... well... why are so many others not stepping up and taking a firm principled stand against this evil?

Again, the Frankfurt School indoctrination has set in so well, the idea that if you are some kind of classified victim, mostly related to your skin color (not white) or preferred sexual identity (not conventional) or disadvantaged economic condition (not rich) then anything you do that the traditionally oppressive patriarchal hegemony once worked hard to prevent is perfectly okay because that is your legitimate political statement against the interminable oppression.

The most common ways this has been exhibited is through theft, arson, sexually immoral acts, drug abuse, and protracted loitering -- or in other words living on the streets doing whatever you want there with impunity. Frankfurt School acolytes in powerful positions do nothing about these things because they've been taught very well that if you try to stop those who are now really the "oppressed privileged" from doing those things then you are violating their right to the only political speech they have.

Ultimately this institutionally sanctioned unrighteous behavior does reach some kind of critical mass and it will destroy your society

And here's the sad thing for me.

It is happening right now in that once beautiful San Francisco.

It is no secret that it is being run into the ground. Good, respectable businesses are abandoning it in droves. One of the nicest malls downtown is now a ghost town, and the most recent flight is the main movie theater complex there. Major hotels are shutting down. The once bustling Fisherman's Wharf is empty. Neighborhoods are now taken over by legions of spaced-out drug-addled "unhoused" people but "housed" now in tents nestled around the most squalid conditions.

Now these are just the anecdotal stories I've seen in the news, but I can't believe all of this isn't having the most detrimental effect on the entire city and its overall civic health. Just watch, we'll see it get even worse.

It is biblical. When an entire community behaves as unrighteously, especially when it is encouraged by its inept leadership, then it will destroy itself. It is happening as we speak in every major city in the United States. And it comes directly from that Franfurt School philosophy.

Here's the key thing.

Where'd that philosophy come from?

I invite you to take a look at my webzine to find out more. I have a home page piece I just posted that will give you a little bit of any idea, but that piece also contains a bit of a confession that it is quite exasperating to share a few of those biblical truths and watch so many people go, "Nah, that's not it," and then keep banging themselves on the head with the Ecclesiocratically labeled hammers.

One of those things that is so sickeningly detrimental is this idea that bleating about "Freedom" means anything.

Here's a quick example, another news story from just today.

A whole bunch of middle school students at a school somewhere got fed up with all the sodomist filth being shoved at them and walked out of their classrooms in protest. From the news reports they said they simply did not want to do the political stuff and they did not want to be indoctrinated.

Good for them.

Wrong approach.

It is still the pathetic "We don't want to be told what to do ("FREEDOM!") We want to think for ourselves ("FREEDOM!") We have our own beliefs ("FREEDOM!") We have our own religious convictions ("FREEDOM!")"

All this does is get the now dominant sodomist crusaders to sneer and rage and remonstrate quite effectively against those people who can easily be tarred with having those backward beliefs. If it is only your beliefs against my beliefs then they will win the day because you've conceded to their zealously subjectivist approach. If it's all just beliefs then no one can be right so the objectivist has nothing to stand on.

The correct approach is this:

Sodomist anything destroys lives and souls, those of anyone who do any of it, all the time, every time. You don't choose your gender, you can't. In fact, "gender" is a make-believe concept that enslaves an individual to the fantasy that he or she can be his or her own god. It is a lie, the very first most heinous lie of them all, and it is purely demonic to compel people in whatever way that is tried to get others to accede to that lie.

And just to be sure, so we know what we're talking about. Sodomy encompasses every single thing that has to do with any sexual activity, action, expression, or exhibitionist display that goes outside the bounds of an individual adult man committed to his individual adult wife in marriage. And yes, wife means woman and, yes, it does include all the very reasonable "social constructs' that help us identify who men are and who women are.

There is no equivocation here. Anything done beyond those very healthy constraints destroys the people who indulge in it as well as those forced into obliging it, most tragically the many children afflicted by it all. Many can pretend they are the masters of their own destiny, but they are fooling themselves, lethally and quite horrifically, especially when they drag their families, their communities and even their nation down with them.

I'd say a good 97% of the time they will squeal back, "Well you're just one of those Christian Puritan-minded evangelist busy-bodies who want to tell me what to do!" 

The response is an easy one.

"Excuse me but you're just one of those not-Christian-evangelist kinds of people who still want to tell me that I should think what you think! Sorry, but that gets us nowhere. The answer is what is the objective truth about any of this. Let's find that out and I'm happy to go with you to find it."

....Which means, yes, in a very real sense, we are all enslaved to that truth.

Which brings us back to the FREEDOM! thing.

Freedom is a very nice thing, don't get me wrong. But the only way anyone can be free is by accepting who God made him or her to be -- indeed let's face reality, we are in a sense enslaved to that. True liberation also means discovering throughout one's life all of those wonderful things related to that -- they are very good things, but again, we can't make those up, God already gave them to us. Even then one is not truly free until he or she accepts Christ redeeming him or her from the ugliness of the sin which is the truly constricting element.

Acceptance of those realities, that is true freedom. But then comes another reality you may see woven into all of that.

No matter what, you are still a slave to someone.

That's the Romans 6 Factor. It is there in the sixth chapter of the letter to the Romans that God tells us quite clearly you are either a slave to righteousness, to the Spirit of God who through Christ moves in you for you to find and have your true self -- first by losing yourself and humbly accepting these truths; or you are a slave to unrighteousness given over to the gruesome effects of your own evildoing. Yes, there is an authorized individual who works hard to mitigate the effects of what you do -- that expertly trained System Op industriously laboring from Caesar's deepest state offices.

You are a slave to one of them no matter what.

It is truly mind-blowing and heart-wrenching watching people believe that they're free by dressing up as nuns and slathering themselves with the most grotesque makeup and adornments giving the middle finger to "The Man" in front of thousands of people at a large baseball stadium. They'll all try to smother the plain sewage of this by blaring how much good this group does and shuffle around awards and commendations and all the rest of it -- all precisely what the very best rackets do anyway.

Really, that is freedom? That brings them any kind of contentment, or happiness, or joy?

I can't but feel extraordinarily grieved that the Dodgers, even my own Giants, the fine sport of baseball, indeed all of the institutionalized cultural representatives whether in business or education or mass media or entertainment or any of it are sucked right up into this contemptibly lethal wretchedness.

Will it ever end?

As I've written before, I can't see how this doesn't metastasize into some kind of real actual secessionist activity. I can't see how it isn't inevitable.

But as a follower of Christ, I can't go along with all that. I know it is all arranged and propelled by religiously committed System Ops to wreck society, yet out of that we are presented opportunities to share Christ with those who see it and want out of it. I mean really, maybe what those "nuns" are doing is ultimately a good thing -- the wickedness is so repulsively pronounced that people can't miss it.

There is the World and there is the Kingdom. There is that truth again, those places are are the only ones where anyone can dwell, that's it. You can be in either one of them, but if you think you've made your own little world as your own little god then you're still in the World. Once again you are there or you are in the Kingdom, there are no other places. Kingdom-bringers though are asked by God in no uncertain terms to be Christ to those who are enduring painful deaths under the "freedom" of their own benighted choices.

"The Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom." Wow, wouldn't it be amazing if people found Christ somehow someway tomorrow night at Dodger Stadium. A lot of people. However it is I feel about the Dodgers, I'd be their biggest fan if apocalyptic revival started right there, tomorrow night, for real, lasting forever and ever for the lost and hurting souls who find Christ.

I'll be praying for that.



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