The Deepest Part of the Rabbit Hole

I'm currently reading the book Filterworld with expansive details about a very real Truth Rule reality:

There is no such thing as "A.I."

One of the most sinister things anyone can spew out into the world of hearers is the term "A.I." to describe what is merely Super-Duper-Fast Processing Information Technology. Sadly I don't think people want to convince you their version of "A.I." will bring everyone the utopia you've always wanted would for two seconds want to call it S.P.I.T, but if they were honest they would. 

What is so phenomenally stupid is that the rollout of Google's "A.I." information generator they called Gemini was such a disaster anyone with a single brain cell should have acknowledged the Truth Rule. But very few have. There is simply too much money in billions of people believing in the promise of "A.I." bringing us a perfect world of gumdrop trees and flying unicorns.

Filterworld does a much more comprehensive job of sharing that truth -- that anything that is THE ALGORITHM or even THE AYE-EYE is merely the input of whatever is in the minds of those who initially set it in motion. Those minds will always direct whatever SPIT items they've arranged to and from whatever it is they want it to go. What is even more sobering is that the minds that do this will always be those at the darkest, deepest levels of the World System's operational apparatus, and if things go sideways they can always get the more visible agenda blappers to simply blame the AI.

It is pure Jesuitic genius, really.

Recently Epoch Times columnist and general rabble-rousing pundit Jeffrey Tucker got exasperated for about the 57-millionth time about how things are out there, out in the world of general System governance. He wrote a piece asking how deep the rabbit hole is, but he'll never venture very far. He'll just turn and rage against what is going on there. Much of that stuff, however, is good to identify -- it is good to know... but then what?

In another piece he wrote at his Brownstone webzine he really thinks a System court of some repute will rule favorably about some eeevil freedom of speech violation, you know, just how much government is ruining our ability to say things. In it he valiantly tries to expose the worst of the deep-state actors and how captivated they've become, the "federal agencies, universities, non-profits, shadow companies, bogus fact-checks, and every manner of spook-operated front companies," as if this is all brand new and the government he censures will come to the rescue.

Yeegh. Rome has been doing this for millennia.

The irony is that a few of Mr. Tucker's Brownstone pieces earlier, in a piece titled "Intellectuals for Sale," he regales us with the supreme virtues of the centuries-ago version of the University of Salamanca in Spain, led by the finest minds of the day, you know, de Vitoria, de Soto, de Molina, Suarez, de Mariana -- all Jesuits! All men who devised, shaped, and arranged the critical elements of the deep state that perpetuate all the things he reviles!

The Order today is great with people like Jeffrey Tucker and the millions of Catholicists who think and behave like he does, helping keep the System wheels greased from positions of great influence. Of course with That Algorithm firmly in place, That "A.I." out and about dominating hearts and minds, and now That Hypnotic CGI streaming from it all it is all so much easier now. 

Filterworld opens with a story about the perpetual nature of Rome's performance art dominion. We are introduced to "The Mechanical Turk," from the late 1700s. Underneath a rudimentary animatronic Middle Eastern dude wearing a turban is a large box containing a machine accompanied by the claim it can compute things as well as a human being can. A chess match is held for all comers to demonstrate. Of course it holds its own, winning quite frequently.

Turns out the box can hold a very short and slender human chess master, with compartments for the man to slip into so vacated inner parts may be shown to skeptical audiences to "prove" it is all gears and wires.

What a marvelous metaphor for the way the World System works.

It is too bad the hundreds of millions of Jeffrey Tuckers simply won't look that far down into the machinery -- his is just the typically loud bleating he thinks will mean a single thing against Cain's seven-fold strength. In fact it just fuels the human sacrifice enterprise as all rebellions and remonstrations and revolutions and resistance movements do.

I must confess I don't even want to look at the deepest parts. I don't even think I can -- my Lord already knows about them. I'm always encouraging people to look as far down as they can, at what the ecclesiocratically devoted mandarins are doing only for the purpose of getting my own readers to grasp the very real horrors of what those functionaries routinely do, to repent of their part in enabling it when neglecting to address their own sinfulness, and turning around and promptly going to Christ there at the entrance to the Kingdom graciously waiting to give you sanctuary. 

Otherwise, yes, what they do in those deepest places I could not bear to look upon. It is occultic, it is demonic, it is malevolence on an unbearable scale -- if I should gaze upon any of it what may happen to my own soul is what happened to the lives of those who looked upon the soaring demons in the film Bird Box. Do you remember that? Not getting into it now, look it up, go see the film -- I even wrote a blog post on it a few years ago. Pointing them out to a wide audience would only bring ridicule and marginalization anyway -- Mr. Tucker even mentions there in that screenshot above that you're a crazed worthless "conspiracy theorist" however much you distinctly observe what is really happening down the rabbit hole!

Besides doing the most important things: spending time in prayer, immersing myself in Scripture, and enjoying fellowship with other Kingdom dwellers -- what I like to do to bring me strength and comfort is listen to music that makes my soul sing. I'm sure this is something everyone does, but of course this means I'm going to share with you one of those songs.

In a random-play set the other day I got to listen again to "Roll Me Away" by Bob Seger. Sure people can have their own interpretations of the song, but to me it is pretty clear. I do know it very much resonates with those who are earthy and sincere, who hate bullshit with a passion and just want to enjoy life in its rich meaningful reality however it comes.

The girl Bob meets in the bar is Wisdom. Not that weird esoteric gnostic thing, just righteous God-given insight. She rides with him on his bike for a while until she must go, and he is left deciding where he wants to go. Now he is equipped to know. He thinks he could go left, where the Ministry of Sin is, the Radical Selfists doing whatever it is they want, whatever feels good -- and he knows that leads nowhere. He could go right, where the Ministry of Condemnation is, the Devout Romanists calling out that sin with the most gruesome law enforcement enslavement, always smothered in the most spectacular religious adornments.

Or he could ride straight on to where the hawk soars and find what is actually right, discover who he really is the way God created him to be and redeemed him to be, and grasp that He would even ride with him on that journey.

Filterworld shows us a domain that is essentially Hell dropped right in our laps, a place where most people wallow not seeking to discover who God made them to be but slavering over what the Devil wants to make them as they ravenously consume social media posts and images and sounds -- all with the benighted claim that even under the spell of it all they are the ones deciding who they are!

The author even shares, "[I was] anxious, the possibility that my view of my own life -- lived through the Internet -- was a fiction formed by the feeds... Those feeds were all increasingly fractured and flawed... Ultimately my sense of self was beholden to the responses I got from my invisible audiences, whose attention was algorithmically mediated, too. I wasn't sure who I would be without the algorithmic recommendations; I don't know that anyone else who has spent years of their life on digital platforms can be totally sure." (224)

It would be sick if it weren't so evil.

I just want to get on my bike and ride with Bob.

To the Kingdom.

To reach Him.

And in a horrifically System-sustained sewage of a World, to experience what Judah Ben-Hur experienced in his brief encounter with Christ. Yes, I did come across this image in a recent web-surfing excursion. But this is a very good one, I think. That is Biker Bob right there finally getting to where he wanted to be, the place that was right. Sure he'll get back on that bike and have to take on the worst of what the world offers at times, just as Judah here must get back in line to trudge to the next slave labor job.

But it'll be with Him in the Kingdom.


Um, all of this in this particular blog post was merely to introduce my latest home page piece, by the way. I am always working hard to make the truths about the distinction between the World System and the Kingdom as simple as possible. But as you can see if you read this blog post, it is a challenge. You'd think it'd be simple, but so much of the World's presentation now maniacally streamed through social media channels makes things very complicated. The truth on the other hand, is simple. Indeed the Grace and the Truth is even simpler.

Technically Francisco de Vitoria was a Dominican, but it is still the same. These were all brilliant World System operatives shaping a world that would better crack heads of those who asked the administration of Cain's legacy to commit authorized acts of human sacrifice on their behalf.

And real quick, for those who believe my take on "Roll Me Away" is still some weird gnostic ancient pagan esoteric blather, I'd ask you read the third chapter of the letter to the Philippians. It is all about a steady life lived by Him and His righteousness and joy. "I press on toward..." Also the second chapter of the letter to the Colossians. "In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge..."


The first image is from Walden University promoting their degree "Online Doctor of Information Technology." Very nice, maybe some medical attention can be directed at those pathologically addicted to the IT. The second is simply a screen shot of one of those pieces by Jeffrey Tucker. The third is from Bird Box and the fourth is a scene in Ben-Hur featuring the terrific Charlton Heston in the lead role. Filterworld is written by Kyle Chayka. A piece about how Rome has been so instrumental in forming the demonic nature of the filterworld is here.



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