It Has Been About 6,000 Years You Know, At Least

I have given up seeing if people can really truly be wise, at least without some substantive help from God. That effort itself is a fool's errand. 

The more I hear and listen and read and hear from people who sound really smart and think they are saying really smart things -- but then are actually really stupid, the more amazed I am that we've had some 6,000 years at least to be at least a little bit not-stupid. So much time to get it right, how in 6,000 years can so many still be so stupid.


But then, it is biblical. Scripture very clearly says everyone is as stupid as a rock. I know I have been, and when I go into that sickening denial mode, it is worse. In fact, it is sin, flat-out.

About 10, 15 years ago I was driving in the morning to my work, which was then about 30 minutes away. I did what I sometimes did, and what I still do every once in a while but not too often these days because what is spewed there is almost always so agonizingly stupid -- I tuned into NPR. I do it just to hear a bit of what they are trying to blap, what Catholicist sentiments they are mercilessly pounding into the psyche of the American politic.

On this particular occasion I happened upon a woman being interviewed, and because I came in halfway I did not know the identity of the interviewee. The questions were fawning softbally types, and the answers were, well, mind-bendingly stupid. I had infrequently felt that way about anyone being interviewed, but this stupidity was just particularly egregious. I remember thinking there alone in the driver's seat of my Honda Accord, "Wow, this woman is really stupid."

After the interview concluded came the reveal: "We've been speaking with Kamala Harris." This was when she was the state's Attorney General or US Senator, I do not remember which, and I do not now even remember the subjects she addressed. I do remember the responses were patently insipid and vapid, and I do remember thinking how on earth could she be holding this powerful position in government?

Now it is said she indeed has to have been somewhat smart knowing how to work her way up to the place she is now, a breath away from the US presidency. It is said she's done it by selling out, partly with some notoriously unsavory activities, but then, hey, that's got to require some smarts.

No, really, when you think about it, millions of people do what she's done -- working the system to try to get ahead even if it involves... ahem. She's just the lucky one, one fortunate event after another in which her exploitation of the situation has been favorable.

The scarier thing is not just how many people are supporting her and being just as stupid about it all, but that she is where she is really because those with the real power have considered she is ultra-qualified to be readily yanked around to get the political things done they want. And those people know how many people out there are just as stupid as she is to allow it.

The Ops know, as long as there is that critical mass who are good with the Kamala figure doing good work blapping about how much the abortions can continue and the exhibitionist sexual immorality expressions can continue and the "transitioning" body mutilations can continue and the lethally metastasizing racialist animus can continue and the extractive expropriation of the nation's wealth for optimum virtue-signaling about how much they are doing for the little guy can continue, she'll be great no matter how much frighteningly revelatory trolleeing her detractors can do.

It is so obvious and clear and true: If she wins on Remember Remember the Fifth of November, she won't be doing a damn thing running the country. (Really, ::wheww::...) Her deep-state mandarins will be (Still, ::uh-oh::), and they aren't even anyone she picks to run her administration. The Kamalas are just all the people who blap the things they're supposed to.

From where do they get their ideas?

My webzine ministry has been all about people seeing that, seeing that ultimately it all comes from Rome, and getting that, and understanding it to the point that they'll get out of that hell and turn to Christ.

This isn't about saying anything about any political support except that support lent to the politics of Heaven. Hate to say it, but Donald Trump is really no different. He too does everything the mandarins want him to do. Trump is exceptionally good at looking very bad-ass. All that horrific stuff just mentioned, stuff that's weaved its way far too deep into public policy? Sorry, macho macha MAGA folks, it'll still happen

But this isn't about blaring about the evils of "The Uniparty" or any of the other Resistance Movement things people screech about. Those things are all stupid. And again, the disclaimer: I'm just as stupid, I can be trolleeing with the best of them even writing all this here, even going so far as to question in any way the stupidity of the legitimacy of the System employing stupidity to prosecute even worse stupidity. It just must be, this is just the way it all works and has for 6,000 years of people just refusing to not be stupid.

Because of that people's sentiments are exploited non-stop, 24/7, with the most varied imaginative ways by the deep-state System Ops of the Roman Ecclesiocracy, and as long as they insist on refusing to call on the Name of the Lord, they will continue to succumb. Hundreds and hundreds of millions across the globe sucked into the maelstrom of The Interminable War.

A few links. Funny, this one made me laugh because of what I shared about my NPR experience those many years ago. The sobering thing is how many people are on board with this folly, but also how many are being thoroughly trolled by the whole thing. Reviling and censuring Kamala is just as wretched as supporting her -- if you do you're being mercilessly trolled. You are right in the mix of fearing you'll have to obey her dictates if she becomes president when if you were just Christ's you'd be fine with Him governing your affairs.

Such is the fully Catholicized nation. It is one splendidly massive Trolling Minefield.

Here is one by the insightful Catte Black over at Off-Guardian. She makes a couple key points that sound like mine, but please pay attention, they aren't exactly. 

There is no choice or difference may be true in the sense that Harris and Trump will both intractably do what the mandarins tell them to do, but there is another choice.

Jesus Christ. And again, please: not the Jesus of the Romanist Operatives. I see good wholesome Protestant-minded Christians rant and rant about voting, and ya know? Great. Vote. But make your vote for Jesus and acknowledge His and His alone governance over your affairs. When you do that, none of these hifalutin government people can touch you. You'll only be doing what He wants, ministering Kingdom things to others so they too can experience the genuine freedom therein.

Miss Black also says Your votes don't count. While true in the sense that it is all arranged by the ivory tower politicos under the spell of Rome anyway, the fact is those people do need a fully Catholicized population to let them do their thing to begin with. So yeah, really, your contribution does count when you do World System things by the World System. Much of that is coming under the seduction of what they tell you you're supposed to believe anyway.

The only way out is Christ, and Scripture, and having a vibrant relationship with Him through that word and with others who regularly fellowship with Him along with all the other people who have His Name on their lips.

Crazy, at a men's group meeting I attended the other night the speaker was on about the second chapter of Acts. Don't remember the context but he shared a video of a dude walking through a supermarket randomly asking shoppers, "I'll give you $50 if you can tell me one Bible verse. Just one."

Now I'm not surprised, not surprised at all by the responses. Barely anyone could share even one single Bible verse with him, a few of them even getting annoyed that he'd bother them. The speaker only showed a minute or two of this, but afterwards said throughout the whole 15-minute version he watched earlier there were about 1 in 8 who could. Those who could were actually beaming when asked, of course were happy they could share a verse.

But damn.

One in eight.

One single Bible verse.

I just wonder, how many of these people had Roman Catholic upbringings? Who still abide by the Roman Catholic rule, Don't read the Bible because only priests can really know what it means? Who feel relieved they don't really have to do anything with that religious stuff because the church will just take care of that business, and if you do anything bad they're there to just absolve you and that's what you pay them good money to do anyway?

When Miss Black writes "All candidates are globalist puppets working for the same agenda," why won't she say what that agenda is and who'd driving it? "Klaus Schwab!" "The WEF!" "George Soros!" "The CIA!" "The bankers!" "These evil people!" "Those evil people!" "Look behind this green curtain!" Look behind that green curtain!" "Them!" "Them here!" "Them over there!"

Errgh. When these wanna-be muckrakers start really getting it and actually telling us, then it will mean something.

One more link which gets deep into the product of this whole environment. Joy Pullman writes very penetrating things, and this is really just an augmentation to her recent book False Flags getting deep into how the whole LGBTQ wickedness is the one preeminent thing that is destroying the country. This piece makes a great point about what is going on with male-female roles and relationships.

They are being thoroughly eviscerated.

They have been for decades.

The main question is, for the umpteenth time in this web effort, who is telling them to believe these things? Who is moving them to find some pathetically fleeting gratification from effing up their God-given privileges and blessings and duties and joys?

All of this translates into battle after battle after battle after battle after battle...

The War rages unchecked.

But again, there is a Way for Peace and Joy and Security when it rages all around...


The posted image is merely a screenshot of a microphone advertisement. As far as the "6,000" years reference goes, I'm not committed to young-earth or old-earth here, it is just that widespread civilization did start around then. The oldest inscription writing was in Sumerian cuneiform from about 3500 BC. Point still taken - 6,000 years and we're still stunningly stupid.



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