The Misguided Siege

Who in blazes is Cindy Sheehan? She's exploded onto the news as the woman who's camped outside President Bush's Texas ranch and will stay there until the president meets with her for one hour to explain why her son died during combat in Iraq. And why do we know all about her? The media have grafted the most powerful, muscular legs on the story, and it is now running all over the country. If anyone with any mind thinks about it, though, what exactly is going to be said should the desired conversation take place? It would probably go something like this:

Mrs. Sheehan: "Mr. President, why oh why did my son have to die in a war waged with the most deceptive pretense, for a cause that at this point in time is extraordinarily questionable?"

The President: "I'm sorry you feel that way and I am very sad about the loss of your son. But we are winning the battle for freedom and democracy for which your son died, and if we stop now the terrorists will win."

Is there possibly anything else that can be said here? Would anything be added that we don't already know? Does this amount to anything beyond the provocatively violent psychological pugilism with which the media and their patrons satiate themselves?

What I'd like to do is camp just outside of Mrs. Sheehan's entrenchment and ask her for an hour of time. What would that conversation be like?

Me: "Mrs. Sheehan, the fact that you grieve so viscerally over your son means something. I don't think you'd dismiss knowing exactly why that happened, but whatever George Bush tells you will mean nothing. That is because whether you want to accept it or not, George Bush is assigned the task of kicking evildoers all over the yard, and he will do that job no matter what you or a billion anti-war protesters do here or anywhere. In fact, right now you and your emotional turmoil are being prodded and played and spun--none of these people care about you. They'll pretend they do, but they don't--it's all just a game and you're the football.

"If you'd really pay attention to who George Bush really is and what he is about, you'd see that the only way for you to find solace is to end your addiction to the World, and enter into genuine joy and peace in the embrace of the One who actually loves you. If you stay here, you'll continue to be kicked around. If you go to the One who invites you into His kingdom, you'll be free."

Mrs. Sheehan: "What are you talking about--who is this 'One' who actually loves me?"

Me. "He is Jesus Christ, the One who died for you, and is the Way the Truth and the Life."

Mrs. Sheenan: (She could conceivably answer just about anything, but let's assume she does say...) "But I believe in Jesus."

Me: "Really? You may be trusting in a brilliant straw-man Jesus, because you are here trying to find answers from the World System of which Jesus is not a part. This here is Cain's domain, Cain, a murderer and liar from the beginning, his contemporary charges also murderers and liars as long as God allows the System to thrive. And it does so every time someone commits a sin and doesn't seek the forgiveness of Christ and wholeness in Him. Yes, God put this System in place for those who don't want Him and His offer of true freedom. With Cain the World was put out of His presence, signified by a mark that gives it the power of seven-fold vengeance. George Bush has that power now, and he is just carrying out his sworn duty to prosecute habituated evildoers-- here, there, wherever."

Mrs. Sheehan: "So you're saying the war is good? My son is dead because of that war."

Me: "Please don't misunderstand me. The war in Iraq is a wretchedly horrific thing. It should not be happening, period. No one should ever die like that in those kinds of things. But those things are there, because sinners are not only around, but they like sinning, and lay waste to everything in their path. Only two options are available in this scenario: Cain or Christ. Bush does the Cain thing. For you to presume the president will do anything different because of your little siege here is nothing less than misguided. To believe that anything he says to you would not be the most abject deceit is downright foolish. Unless, of course, you are just as much part of the World System and enjoy the game you are playing. In that case, please forgive me, I'm speaking to the wrong person."

Would Mrs. Sheehan understand this? If she allowed Jesus pull the scales from her eyes she would. If she stayed blind she'll keep being led by blind people. So yeah, in that case I'd be just as much of a fool for talking to her as she is for talking to the president.

What's more, if she were to ask Jesus to free her, guess where the media goes? They're outta there in a flash. Which is why, of course, the media would never in a million years cover my conversation with Mrs. Sheehan. They really have no clue at all about His kingdom, they want the prize fight, Sheehan vs. Bush. But, that's okay, they're doing their World thing.

At least Mrs. Sheehan would find True Joy.

What do you think? Would Mrs. Sheehan see it? Or am I indeed talking to a brick wall?

And if you're wondering, Why Jesus? <-- Click here.


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