What We're Supposed to Think About Origins of Life

In the Los Angeles Times this morning there was a feature piece and an editorial of note regarding the origins of life. The Times is pretty set on ridiculing anyone who doesn't buy into the story of evolution*, and today's episode was no different. The interesting thing is that in smugly dismissing those crazy creationist young-earthers, they are indeed revealing the inadequacies of many Christian's understanding of what really happened millions of years ago. All this makes for more fun in the Culture War.

The feature article was about the people near Palm Springs who've built some large dinosaur models we can all see from the freeway, and with their expanding "Dinosaur Park" they're making the case that dinosaurs and humans lived together at one time. Again, the entire tenor of the piece is that these people are really stupid for not getting the realtrueactual science of the issue.

The editorial is from columnist Rosa Brooks who takes her shot by revealing the hypocrisy of a religious community who is asking for intelligent design (thoroughly ridiculed in the piece, as expected) to be taught in schools along with evolution. Her point is that the very same people who assert the truth of their view are now being relativists by saying a variety of views should be taught.

What Brooks doesn't get is that the people who truly know--one of whom, Hugh Ross, was quoted in the dinosaur story-- firmly posit that Darwinism is false, and that it is true that God created the world and the life in it with no help from something that never happened, namely evolution. The problem is that at this point it is very difficult to get misled biologists (and newspaper columnists for that matter) to see the plain flaws in Darwinism, and that we must settle for at least putting on the table the much more reasonable prospect of God--yes, I'm not afraid to state it is the God, not just some "intelligent designer"-- setting it all up over millions of years of creation that are described in Genesis as "days" only as a literary tool.

Perhaps when the sound arguments of intelligent design are indeed taught in the classroom next to the fantasy of evolution, then people who truly want to know the truth will see it. I really believe, however, that people like Brooks, the publisher of the Los Angeles Times, and all those beholden to Cain and his city will continue to brainwash children with World System theology further destroying their souls. They like to live in and around the destruction of their own souls, and can't fathom anyone not doomed as they are.

Oh, and what would Brooks say about this? That I'm the one who's stupid and not paying attention to real science and all that? Well then, let's talk about it. Let's look at exactly what happened millions of years ago. Let's look at exactly what the "truth" of evolution is, and why then intelligent design is being offered to consider. And yes, Rosa, to your credit, a lot of Christians should do exactly the same thing, because it is indeed sad that people who unwisely blither about things like dinosaurs and humans living together do a great disservice to the gospel.

But then, that's probably why they're interviewed all the time and show up in the newspapers and on the television. They can be made to look stupid by the media powers-that-be, and that's just fine with them.

BTW, astrophysicist Hugh Ross has some awesome things to say about all this. Check him out at Reasons to Believe. He's got the biblical and scientific case for what really happened millions of years ago.

To know who the power brokers are in the World System ("Cain and his city")-- the ones that are so phenomenally successful in getting so many to believe in things like Darwinism, go to this page of links.

(*By evolution, I'm using the standard definition that elaborate life forms developed from other earlier more-primitive life forms by purely naturalistic means. I am not refuting natural selection, which has clearly occurred throughout natural history to some degree or another.)

I don't presume to be an expert in biology, so please let me know of your expertise! What do you think?


  1. By the way:

    Your thoughts on evolution are some of the most asinine comments I have ever read.

    It's retards like you that keep this worthless debate going. Why you can't fathom that God and a process like evolution could exist in harmony is only proof that your brain is a few generations behind in development.

    You really need to learn to read more books than just the Bible.

  2. To Lloydchristmas69,

    Thanks for your input. Just want to give you the heads-up for a list of the hundreds of scientists (not exactly crackpots as Rosa Brooks called them in her piece) who've gone on the record challenging evolution. It is at





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