The Blow-the-Snot-Out-of-'Em Deficiency

A recent John Podhoretz column was brought to my attention as I listened to a bit of talk radio this morning, and the piece exposed the wimpiness of the preeminent powers to fight bad things, like terrorism. These powers have tons of military strength and weaponry, they just don't use it because they're too timidly fearful of world opinion. Lots of media coverage of children lying dead around rubble can be a wee counterproductive.

Today's Rome (embodied in the U.S./U.K./and, in some sense, Israel alliance) certainly doesn't act like the Rome of old. When Rome of old conquered a territory, it summarily executed every single remotely powerful individual (after a bit of parading some of them about town), dragging the main leader to the feet of the emperor who very graciously said, "You may serve me, or be dead also." That kind of fixed everything.

Please know that I don't say yea or nay to this activity in any way, for my Lord has asked me to live by the precepts of His Kingdom. I just understand that this is the legitimate duty of Cain given him by God at the beginning of mankind. The Agency of Cain's task is to snuff out evildoers and prosecute them without prejudice. As the Podhoretz piece so eloquently declares, it is to do nothing less than be more evil than the evildoer himself.

There is no question this is a body of death that no one who really knows wants to be in. Problem is, too many people don't know they don't want to be in it--they are blind people leading around a bunch of blind people. Jesus Christ would free them from such a body, but they don't want it, choosing to remain blind and feed their insatiable desires to blow the snot outta someone.

Flipping around that talk radio dial this morning while I cleaned out the garage, I came across a bit of Rush Limbaugh and, referring to the Hezbollah/terrorist problem, a caller said, "They won't be appeased until we're all dead." Limbaugh heartily agreed, emphasizing the idea that we'd better keep blowing the snot out of 'em.

The problem with that is that the blowing-the-snot-out-of-'em that's going on today is just the sort of stuff that-- in the long run-- keeps all the conflict raging. It's not that they they ease up a bit because they have a heart for the people they're blowing the snot out of. No.

It's that if it all stopped they would have nothing to do.

They just want death so much, and if everyone's dead then you can't have that anymore.


It's all really just human sacrifice goin' real good. For an idea of what that is, look here.


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