The Yoist Government

Yesterday was the commencement of the 110th Congress, and at the helm was Nancy Pelosi-- the talk of the nation as the first woman Speaker of the House, and, wow, in line to be president should something happen to the president and vice-president at the same time. In the newspaper today was a big color photo of her smiling among her grandchildren there on the House rostrum, and holding an instrument of authoritative governance: the gavel.

She will indeed preside in the legislative body, and has vowed to bring an agenda of reform to Congress. Ho-hum. The word "reform" has been on the lips of congressional leaders through all 109 previous Congresses, and it will continue to be on their lips during all the rest of them for one simple reason.

They govern a nation of sinners who are given the task of telling these leaders what they want them to do to manage their sin.

It may seem incidental that Pelosi is a devout Catholic, and pretty much most of the country will think we've gone past the primitive notion that religion actually affects public policy, while a few others may actually think it a detriment. Once a stauch conservative Republican Protestant type I'd have been aghast at this staunch liberal Democrat Catholic taking the reigns of this august body, but in devouring Scripture with a passion to understand a God who's main desire is for us to understand Him (Jeremiah 9:24), I've discovered a somewhat revelatory truth.

She's the very best individual for the job.

Oh yes she will certainly endorse things like infanticide and mass confiscation of productive capacity-- but that's what World residents committed to human sacrifice want. And in republican (small "r") government, that's the way it's supposed to work.

Pelosi will merely do her job of carrying out the desires and purposes of Catholicists loud enough to tell her how their sin should be managed. That this nation is through-and-through Catholic is a historical and political fact (see Rulers of Evil by Tupper Saussy) and it was set up to be that way for those who refuse to ask Jesus to rule in their hearts and minds (see Scripture, particularly Genesis 4).

What is fascinating is how information technology is turning this nation into a Catholicist Yoist Nation. I'll elaborate a bit more on that in my next post.

(I generally don't deliberately do "two-part" posts, but I just have to run to take care of a lot of other stuff. In the meantime, put a search field of "Yoism" or "Open Source Theology" in Google and see if you can see what I mean.)

For a peek at the nature of contemporary human sacrifice, some of my observations are here.


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