The Yoist Nation

In my last post I introduced the idea that Nancy Pelosi is going to govern in Congress merely based on what she thinks everyone wants her to do. This is very basic: that's republican (small "r") government. So all the abortions, sodomous activity, confiscations of wealth, and such that she will endorse is really just what all Americans want.

Yes, all Americans. Many will screech, "Oh no, we don't want that stuff! We are fighting against those things!"

Oh? I would safely presume that most who're in the battle against these things are churchly kinds of people. And if this is the case, then what are they doing signed up with the Nancy Pelosi's whom they are fighting against? They are when they are obligated as 501c3 incorporated entities.

That most every single church is a 501c3 tells you that when I make the bold claim that it is indeed all Americans who choose to make Nancy Pelosi their moral guide, I'm just not too far off.
And this is where the idea of "Yoism" comes into play.

Yoism is the new religion that is based on the principle of open source knowledge. With the proliferation of information technology, it is now much easier to find out what more and more people think and believe and presumably know. Because of this condition, more and more information can be processed and organized into a sort of overarching datebase. It is so comprehensive that knowing what enough people think and believe about something can actually get us to see what's true about the world, indeed what's true about all things regarding our existence, reality, all of that.

The idea then: because so many believe it, it must be true. The information technology is able to tell us what that is.

That's yoism, in a nutshell. It is sort of the "religion of pure democracy," if you will.

I can't deny that it reminds me of the wide road that Jesus spoke about, the one that leads to destruction.

One of Pelosi's reform measures for her "100-hour get-things-done agenda" after taking office as House Speaker, was to require all special interest groups to notify the government about anything they said to a federal lawmaker. This was presumably to prevent any unwanted advances from lobbyists. The feds could now just moniter all communications so no one could even talk about doing anything that could be considered questionable.

Ah, how supremely Romanist. Now from what I understand this provision of the reform package was scuttled, but the fact remains...

The federal government still monitors all the people contracted with it. It's job is to mitigate the sin of those who charge it with doing so. And if you're a 501c3 or any incorporated body, you've given it the task of doing just that.

Lots and lots of people living in the Yoist religion, walking down that wide, wide road, many being very good and wholesome, doing wonderfully noble things

But for what?


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