The Exorcism of Rosie O'Donnell

Was talking with a friend Wednesday night and he mentioned that the producers of Loose Change were going to appear on The View the following morning. For those who don't know, Loose Change is a documentary that merely asks the penetrating questions about what really happened on 9/11. The View is one of those banal "Regis and Kathie Lee" talkoramas hosted by four hip happenin' women.

Wow, I thought, here're the guys who put chinks the size of planets in the official 9/11 theory on a mainstream morning talk show--hmm, what's that mean?

Turns out they didn't appear at all. Just so happened that on Wednesday Rosie O'Donnell and her rival conservative host on the show Elisabeth Hasselbeck got into quite the heated shouting match. I know nothing about how they do these things, but I'm thinking O'Donnell wanted to pull the Loose Change guys over by the scruff of the neck and plop them down on the show to boast, "See! See! I told you all that the U.S. is just as much a terrorist outfit."

What do you do with that? Even if those guys got on the show, even if they proved beyond the teensiest of a shadow of a doubt that 9/11 was an inside job (they definitely go a long way to doing that), what would happen? I'll tell you what would happen.

You'd just get more of the Culture War. The Radical Selfists, the Rosie group, would continue their pathetically annoying screeching about how much the George Bushes of the world need a good spanking. The Devout Romanists, the Elisabeth Hasselbeck crew, would continue to shriek in their particularly irritating way that it's all just a bunch of crazy consipiracy blabbing and the U.S. is wholesome and good and righteous and all the rest of it.

Then it degenerates into precisely what the Rosie-Elisabeth tiff ended with.

Loud pointless name-calling.

Really all Culture War battles end this way. It's all they have. So after Rosie and Elizabeth called each other cowards for ten minutes, the show ended, and with it Rosie's tenure and the Loose Change exposure.

What would happen if they actually did that thing that God kind of wants us to do a little bit more of, just a little bit more the thing it seems most people actually do so little of? How about


Could they both ask questions about what they really mean by what they say? Could they actually find out what is actually truly happening all around? Would they be willing to read the words of the One who knows?

And then would they find Him, see Him, have a desire to understand Him and know Him and get out of the World that is all violence to revel in a place in which they would actually be friends and not just objects of gleeful derision by the World's inhabitants?

Yeah, that would require them to know Christ as He is, and what He really says about things.

Yeah, you're right...

That would really spoil the show.

What do you think about what would happen if Loose Change got mainstream press like this? And did their appearance get sabotaged for some reason? And does it matter at all since it seems none of them will actually find Truth anyway?

For a small prompt on who the One is, the One who is Freedom itself, peek here.


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