The Immigration Front of The War

Recently Congress passed an immigration reform bill that says a bunch of stuff about what to do about the illegal immigration situation. What this legislation does is merely carve in stone the status quo: a lot of people coming into this country from Mexico-- and staying for some time-- because the political and economic conditions in that country are so pathetic.

The elite punditry do a lot of bouncing and banging off a bunch of walls that have something to do with the issue-- it makes your head spin watching it. But if you carefully look at immigration it can be narrowed down to this:

1. A whole lotta people hate living in a crappy place and want to come to the U.S.
2. The U.S. only has so much productive capacity-- as impressive as it is-- and an inordinate increase in population does strain that.
3. The U.S. can do one of two things to ameliorate this:
  • Put an electric fence along the border with great big signs every fifty feet or so that say in Spanish, "If you touch this fence you will die." Then round up every illegal, put them on a bus, and drop them off over the border. Do this for however long it takes.
  • Open the borders and let them all in. After all, U.S. officials are lying when they say, "Keep them out" but let some in illegally with whatever the Congress has in mind. Anything short of a fence and a concerted deportation effort is a lie. They simply aren't enforcing fair immigration law, and a bill like the one just passed is just letting them all in.

Before I move on with the logical consequence of such a move, please note that I am making no value judgment whatsoever, I simply have no position on this. I just want to tell the truth about things.

As it seems that they are leaning toward the second option there, it must be pointed out that if everyone is let in-- irrespective of their pretend efforts at "enforcement"-- an estimated 70 million Mexicans would come into the U.S. That is about two-thirds of the entire country. Therefore, the only reasonable and truthful action the U.S. should take is to annex Mexico.

Obviously there are drawbacks to this. One is the war we would have to wage to do that. Ahh, too bloody, bringing too much negative press. Another is that most Americans just don't want to adopt the mess that is Mexico. Even the pro-illegal hold-the-May-Day-rally crowd would squirm at that prospect. Mmm, nah.

So the World Operatives have another plan.

This piece of legislation.

See, if the U.S. annexed Mexico, it would be doing precisely what the Romans did, engaging in policies that contributed to its downfall. Rome was experiencing exactly the same thing-- lots of people from just outside the empire either coming into Rome or asking for its help with the capricious dictates of their rulers. So Rome would invade, set up spiffy colonial rule, and all was well. Until they stretched themselves too thin. Then it imploded from edges.

Meaning the people all around who Rome felt it had to conquer and govern got quite miffed at the its audacity, and they tenaciously moved in and cracked the imperial hegemony.

Don't think this is not being reflected in the real world today? Look at Iraq. The U.S. is doing exactly the same thing--in essence it is annexing Iraq. At least trying to. And sure enough, the going is quite rough.

But since Iraq is really geographically just Babylon, what do you expect from the U.S? Don't you think it'd want to establish its firm presence in the place of ol' great grandpappy? Joined together again. How sweet.

The fact is that the U.S. (-the legacy of Babylon, Rome, all of it) will have its downfall, also. It is the last link in the rulership chain of mankind's history. The Bible is very clear about it. The U.S. now bumbles about doing all this Iraq war and immigration reform stuff, because it can't go all the way to prosecute sinners as it has been charged to do. Rome couldn't and the U.S. can't.

The Restrainer is in the way.

Some day He will step aside, everyone will then see clearly the man of lawlessness, and the fireworks will go off. Thing is,

You don't want to be in the midst of that show.

Want to be in the Safe Place? Read the book of John in the Bible. You'll see His words to you and His offer of true sanctuary. Want to know more about this "Restrainer" stuff? Read the second chapter of the second letter to the Thessalonians.


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