Ann Coulter, Enthroned Goddess of the Culture War

On my Google page this morning was this verse from Ezekiel: "For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye." It is simple, God would like to be with you, living, forever, in sublime happiness. Problem, He doesn't want to do that with people who jerk Him around-- no one would want that from anyone.

That jerking Him around is generally called sin, but you don't hear much of it these days because it is quite uncouth to mention it in mixed company. What people don't realize is that everyone has done that jerking around at some point in his or her life, and that jerking around thing is not as much an offense to God as it is to one another, here, among all us humans who also really don't like it much when those around us lie, cheat, steal, murder, whatever.

So what is the issue with Ann Coulter essentially saying that the only way out of this body of death is through Jesus Christ, and that it doesn't matter if you are Jewish or Hindu, male or female, green or purple, if the law condemns you, then you're toast without Him.

That fact in and of itself is indeed true enough, but Coulter gets into hot water when she leaps right into the conflagration that is the Culture War. I must confess to you: Ann Coulter is a guilty pleasure of mine. I love the way she so brazenly skewers the highest folly all around. She does speak too much from a Catholicist persepective, but her writing is still wonderfully entertaining.

It is also true, however, that the World Operatives-- those who actually administer the most powerful media and educational institutions-- have scored big in this Culture War battle. A recent survey from uber-pollster George Barna found that among non-Christian 16 to 29 year-olds, evangelicals received a "favorable" consideration from 3% of respondents.

Did you catch that percentage? I'll put it down her again so you can see it clearly, it's not a typo.


That means that 97% of college students and young adults think, in some measure, less than favorably of evangelicals in this country. Why? Oh, they gave reasons. They were (not surprisingly):

Too judgmental (87% mention), too hypocritical (85%), too old-fashioned (78%), and too political (75%).

I can't help but see that this is the perfect description of the Ministry of Condemnation. Evangelicals are not doing the Reconciliation that they should be doing if they were indeed following Jesus as they say they do, simply because they have firmly contracted to do business as Condemners. Any time a church signs a 501c3 incorporation contract, they are "law-abiders," guilty of the very same things they proscribe.

97%. That's calling a duck a duck, I'd say.

No wonder Ann Coulter is excoriated for saying what she said about Christians being "perfected Jews." What she says is considered to be simply her "God club" take on things. Every God club has an idol whose picture is emblazoned on their banner. "Believe in my God club guy" they all hear. Those using the World's weapons to wage war with one another fire shots from their God club fortresses. Evangelicals have their imposing fortresses too.

Funny, too, how much people hoot and holler about Coulter's volleys. She too is an idol of theirs. If what she says is worthless, then why the fuss? Leave her adrift with her meaningless pap if it is such. But by their vociferous objections they enable her power over them, and in doing so they condemn themselves. Such is life in The Catholicist Nation.

What was it that God said?

Turn yourselves, and live ye?

Nah. Nobody wants to do that.

They like the War too much.

To know a bit more about the Culture War, go here. (That passage from Ezekiel, by the way, is verse 32 in chapter 18.)


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