Spirit Words

Yesterday I wrote a blog post about more happenings in the "housing crisis" crisis, namely that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke wagged his finger at lenders about their questionable business practices, namely continuing to lend gobs of cash to borrowers who simply cannot pay it back.

After I'd made the post I felt really weird, and I went over and over in my mind what I wrote. Something in me was pulling at my soul somehow, and I just have a feeling that God was moving me to consider what I'd written.

As I went over it again, I think it may have been a couple of things. They are both tied together, and as I think about it more I can see why it is reasonable He spoke to my heart. (I will also add here parenthetically that I'm not one to boast about spiritual movings in my being and that God tells me what's what after I throw a fleece over things. I'm simply pointing out that I felt a certain way about something I did, and there is no doubt God speaks in whatever way that is even if it is through my present processing of the things He's taught me in the past.)

I will start by simply reiterating that I am very cynical. I really go nuts whenever I see something that is thoroughly idiotic or foolish. What makes me more crazy sometimes is when I know I can't go off on said idiotic thing because God teaches that we should call no man a fool. I'm good with that, but, really, sometimes it kills me! There are just a lot of times I want to lay out what I'm feeling in my blog.

The stuff I shared yesterday in that post is solid stuff, that Ben Bernanke is essentially Jesus to some people (no matter how impossible it is for him to reconcile lowering rates with berating lenders for lending), that the World through the Fed is scratching and clawing to get people to be good but can only fail miserably in the end, all that.

But I also said that people of the World effectively have no value.

Wow. That just needs to be qualified.

They have tons of value, given them by God. The thing is, when they don't appropriate it by Him and use it for purposes that are of Him, namely that of loving others with His love, then they are effectively

Tossing that value in the trash.

It's that simple. I make this point to some extent in the home page piece at my webzine, but that too, that very point, is one of the truths that just drives me crazy. People don't see they are doing that. It is part of the lie. The Lie. Remember that one?

"I am a god and will not die."

That's the essence of the "no value" issue. I read Proverbs 11:19 the other day. It is frightening: "The truly righteous man attains life, but he who pursues evil brings about his own death."

Brings about his own death. What else is having "no value" than being dead? And just as significantly: no one is choosing to do that but him.

That second thing that got me about yesterday's post is that after I blithely pointed out the "no value" thing, I never mentioned the way to have value. Of course that is by Jesus Christ, simply because he is the one who redeems, or "buys back." Think about that.

Buying back.

If you are going to buy back something, then you must think it has value.

Jesus redeems, and by doing so, he takes that immense value He put in each one of us--the one that each of us has carelessly flushed-- into what it should be: Love for others that brings extraordinary increase for all.

That's it. It's not complicated at all. We're nothing--dirt, dust, vapors blown by the wind--that's what we are...without Him. If we say we are something we're lying to ourselves. On the other hand if we seek God's purposes for what He made us to be, then we can be truthful about what is good and genuine and beneficial.

But, yeah, here I am, Mr. Cynical--if it is that easy, how come so damn many not only keep lying to themselves but are so damn good at convincing people to lie even more?

Okay, gotta just let Him mend my heart again. He does it every night. How wonderfully merciful is that.

As it is I just need to let my words, however many they are, a lot or a few-- I pray and hope they are Spirit words-- those words I share with my family, with my colleagues and students, with my friends and neighbors, and yes, to readers of my web work, go out and just be there.

Maybe someone will see Truth in all His glory.

How valuable is that.


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