That Sucking Sound Again

Just wanted to direct you to another wonderful episode of Opus, from which you may gather a great gob of understanding about how the world works.

It's here.

It appeared in papers around the nation last Sunday, the 9th, and the week that followed presented a fine smattering of proofs. Fed comes out of lenders' anxiety closets to trade government securities for bad loans, Fed swoops out of anxiety closet (with big "S" on shirt) to rescue Bear Stearns, the Feds (no relation to the Fed, mind you) vote to keep listening to the American public's whisperings by refusing to put a moratorium on earmarks...

Oh! But those virtuously wholesome presidential candidates, Senators McCain, Obama, and Clinton were among the 20-some senators who voted for it!

My faith is restored!

The American Civil Religion is still going strong!

Thank goodness, because I'll certainly want my heaven filled with 72 Kansas City Chiefs cheerleaders, all with small noses and deep dimples. And of course no Democrats!


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