Prince of the Age Before the Faithful

Saw this photograph in my Los Angeles Times this morning and was just amazed at the mammoth adoration the World has for their lord and savior. Oh I know it has been this way for all of man's history, but it still intrigues me how much the World hasn't the faintest idea of who Jesus Christ is and what His Kingdom is about.

How do I know this? What's in the picture, for one, all of it, the whole thing. Every nation in the world worshipping their lord, who himself is on the dais just under the authoritative Annu signature, right there in the emblem of the United Nations.

Secondly, it was in what he said, and didn't say.

He didn't say, "People, remember, my job is to crack heads of those who do evil. It is a brutal and violent existence to be under my rule. You'll find true freedom in Jesus Christ, however. You may follow Him or you may follow me. In Him you'll live by love and know truth and grace, along with genuine joy. In me you'll live in fear and know only the harsh reality of the law, with lots of pretending that you can be good and happy mixed in."

He did say, "Leaders of the World, keep trying to do what you are trying to do to avoid conflict with one another. Try to have peace. Try not to be too violent. Try to respect people's pleas to have their rights respected. Try real hard at these things." Lots of trying, guess that's pretty good.

Both of these are quite true. But the pope cannot say the first one because he hasn't the teensiest of clues about the Kingdom or its Ruler. He is completely outside that realm, as his predecessors have been from the time of the first World Lord several millennia ago, as described quite succinctly in the fourth chapter of the book of Genesis.

Want to know a bit more about the Lord of the Kingdom? Here are some of my thoughts about Him.


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