You Should Be Glad You're Expelled

Just wanted to make a comment about the recent film purportedly designed to trumpet the virtues of intelligent design, or at least expose the shameful World behavior intended to shut up those with some intelligent idea of how living things came to be.

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed stars of all people (I'll forego the gratuitous, "Anyone? Anyone?" remark) Ben Stein. He bops around the world talking with people who've been shunned by the educational establishment for daring to question the Darwinist line, as well as those who parrot it and come off looking silly. I saw a clip that featured one such Darwinist claiming that a possibility as to how it all began was that it may very well have been crystals that carried the molecules across space to intertwine with one another to make life. Wow, that answers everything!

Predictably the mainstream media has pretty much reacted with great disdain for this affront. For the most part, from what I've read anyway, it is considered a mish-mash of Ben Stein asking difficult questions of Darwinists that ultimately proves nothing really.

While it is quite true that Darwinists don't have to work very hard to look foolish blabbing their fairy-tale explanations of life's ascendency, the sad fact is that intelligent design does indeed have the liabilities that critics decry. For one, Expelled does little to define what intelligent design actually is.

A key reason for that is because intelligent design is really only a way to say Darwinism can't possibly be the best explanation, and as far as that goes it's not bad. But ID doesn't have any clear articulate model that science can use to test what's real. (If you want a great elaboration of that, visit Hugh Ross' excellent site Reasons to Believe.)

The other reason is less pronounced, mostly because so few see the profound distinction between the World and the Kingdom. Watching these Christian scientists valiantly attempt to get their point across was like watching someone try to convince a rabbit that it is a daffodil. "There is a God, you Darwinist goofs, and because it couldn't have happened such-and-such a way, like you say it must, it must be God, so stop saying it isn't!"

Yes, I too try to share Christ in whatever way I can with those who will refuse to get it. I too don't really know whether or not they'll get it, but that doesn't stop me from loving them and sharing Life with them in the way that I can at that time.

But really, if they're not getting it, why do they keep trying to bust into their homes to plaster it all over their living room walls? That's the World, a place different from the Kingdom, and they have the freedom to convince themselves of all the foolish things they want.

When are these Christian ID scientists going to get out of that place all together, speak about the true Creation model, test it and test it and test it, put out the best scientific papers, and let them speak for themselves?

As it is they're all just blowing away one another in the Culture War. Sadly, that's what committed Catholicists do. It's their thing. They whine about being "expelled" and may just be doing the thing they like to do. "But I want to be in the club!" they cry. That's okay. Thing is, if they're in the club,

They'll just keep being pounded with World folly.


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