So Who Is It Then? Who Stores Your Value? It Is Someone...

Peeked at The Newshour tonight on PBS and saw Judy Woodruff interview Fannie Mae CEO Daniel Mudd. She asked some pressing questions to a bubbly financial exec who seemed to be going out of his way to distance himself from his company's abysmal performance.

Of course none of Woodruff's questions were of any consequence since she herself is a masterful World mouthpiece for further devotion to Caesar. The mere practice of addressing Mudd with such deep concern-- squinting those eyes to sear his soul, turning her head for that penetrating inquiry, jabbing that pencil in the air in front of her-- announces to all World inhabitants that this is serious business, this management of their sin.

A telling part of this fact was in one question I want to share here. It was something like, "Has Fannie Mae for some time set itself up to evade regulation? How do you answer that?"

Mudd effervescently responded by saying that he was all for the new regulation that Congress was putting together, and elaborated about how welcome that was and all that.

All I could think about was the whole principle of

The Law.

Ever look at the first letter of Timothy, in the Bible? The very first chapter there? Let me share something with you from that chapter. It is in verses nine and ten. Here's what it says.

"We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers..."

In other words, when Mudd smiles gleefully about "the regulator" being put in place for him, he is saying nothing other than "I am a lawbreaker and a rebel, ungodly and sinful, unholy and irreligious..." I'm not saying anything one way or another about this, I'm just pointing it out. This is who he is.

What should be noted in light of this is that this individual is storing the value of millions of people by administering a critical item many of those people have their measure of value wrapped in: their home. You don't even need me to loosely apply Scripture to Mudd's confession, you can look at the facts themselves: Fannie Mae's stock value plummeting, its books opened however much for all to see the awful decisions it's made, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson having to insist how great everything is everywhere he goes. (Sorry, can't help but think "He doth protest too much, methinks.")

I must also add that Mudd's tasks are legitimate. People who need this service from an agent of Cain will contract with that agent, and he will comply dutifully (if indeed ineptly).

In the recent issue of Newsweek, economic uber-columnist Robert Samuelson, in addressing the turbulent global economy, said this, something I thought was quite stunning. He said, “Today’s global economy baffles experts—corporate executives, bankers, economists—as much as ordinary people. Anyone who says differently is either deluded or dishonest.”

Hmm. Really.

Thing is, I'm not surprised about this. The reason is because so many

Just haven't the faintest idea of the Kingdom.

They only know the World. I really don't believe Samuelson knows why everyone is so baffled, even as he shares some solid ideas about why the global economy is so scary. Samuelson is himself a product of the World, knowing nothing of the Kingdom, flailing around like everyone else trying to grasp that always elusive


Cain and his legacy will always have seven-fold strength over any one else. Woodruff, Mudd, Paulson, even Samuelson are all in on Caesar's task of sucking the life out of the populace to sustain that.

Christ, on the other hand,


Did you happen look at Mark 10, from the Bible, to get an idea of how-much-fold that value degree is? No? That's cool. You can do it whenever. Jesus has it there for you. He's good with you making Him your Lord. Oh Caesar can be your lord too if you want, but Jesus is good if you decide to make Him your Lord instead.

Thing is, He won't allow any World potentates or their subordinates to join Him.

It's either Him or Daniel Mudd.

It's either the Glorious Truth and Bountiful Grace that is Christ, or it is the Guy Who Needs the Full Force of the Law to Keep Himself From Totally Destroying You.


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