The Industry Standard for Usury Deception

It's kind of interesting, the two big financial stories of the day, placed side-by-side on all the newspapers and newssites.

The two stories: The assessment of the fallout from major investment player Bernard Madoff's elaborate Ponzi operation, and the Federal Reserve's slashing the federal funds rate to a quarter of a percent-- which is, for all intents and purposes, zero.

For those who dare to look at these items through the eyes of Christ, they may actually see the insidious ways imaginative deception is used as the chief tool of World operatives sworn to sustain expansive levels of human sacrifice.

It is funny to think how many people bought into Madoff's promise of 13% return on their investment--I'd even heard that those hit the hardest were residents of West Palm Beach in Florida, I mean, wasn't this the same bunch ridiculed for their inability to cast a ballot in 2000? Hey, gotta make sure my retirement is really secure.

In its simplest terms, Madoff got as many people in the plan as he could, and for those who actually looked at what was happening and those to whom others would ask probing questions, he just paid them a nice cut. Presto, chango-- it's magic: Something of value! Never mind that it was nothingness, as long as we all think it has value, then it's okay.

It was a grand lie, however, and a lot of people sure seemed to be steamed about it, except for one thing: Making people believe something has value when it doesn't is the sworn duty of World operatives.

Just look at the Federal Reserve, selling money now at rock bottom prices. In fact, effectively, at no price at all. Now, this makes me wonder...

Why were interest rates higher than that earlier? Could it be that the Federal Reserve was lying to us just as much as Bernard Madoff did? Is it possible that these powerful individuals and institutions (of course it does sound better when attached to a name like Long-Term Capital Management) are simply providing a service exploitees require?

You see, interest in the eyes of God is usury, a moral crime. It is such because it reflects a way one person (or group of people no matter how large) makes a claim on the productive value of another, in essence making him a slave.

Now yes, legitimate interest is by definition the opportunity cost of present consumption. In other words, if I lend you money now I must forego something nice I could have now for that thing later, and your interest payment is the incentive for me to forego that opportunity.

The problem is that interest in World practice is not based on that cost but rather on how much the borrower is willing to be exploited. It is all about demand, and lying. If I can convince a borrower he must have something (like a boffo house) and I can further convince him that the interest payment I'm charging is reasonable (particularly when part of the promise is the return--"Yeah! Housing prices always go up!") when it is truly a modern form of a detestable thing in the eyes of God, then I am merely extracting value from the borrower.

I am doing nothing less than human sacrifice.

The frightening thing is that there is very high demand for that service.

There must be that demand for all who have not appropriated Christ's final sacrifice for them. For you see, it is only by His blood that one can live outside of the World Financial's virulent body of death.

Sure Bernard Madoff will go on trial and have some penalty assessed against him, after which all the spectators in the the World Media Showcase coliseum will boo and hiss. Sure Ben Bernanke will again mess around with the price of money, and do it again and again and again, and each time it'll tick off someone but just as surely embolden some famished liar who'll take Madoff's place. There are so many of them out there-- Madoff is just someone playing the fool who tried juggling too many fishbowls.

Every banker, investor, bureaucrat, and priest who yanks themselves through the World System is ready to go on the stage, each one well-practiced at juggling something novel and fearing for their lives should they drop something.

Want out of this? Want out of the stench of World sewage? If you do, if you really want to live by love, by giving it up and letting go so others may actually love, by investing so others bountifully benefit and not just so you can shank off a piece of someone else's soul...

I don't know. I know there are just too damn many who would respond to the truths God speaks in His word with "That's not really what He meant" and continue their exploitation without blinking. "These are very complicated matters," they'll blither. "Don't go moralizing about these things, I don't want to be preached to," yet with their next breath it's "Aagh! Bernard Madoff! What a fiend! Aagh!"


If you want life, actual real true vibrant Life, I'd love to meet you. Maybe even chat for a minute. I humbly confess I long to engage those who actually want 100 times what the World offers, just as Jesus said. I long to interact with those who have a desire to move mountains, just as Jesus said. My website is My email is in there. Send me a note.


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