The Subtleties of Human Sacrifice, Not So Subtle

Here's the latest LA Times front page full of irony.

Three major stories here, at least considered major by the Times judgment. The biggest is the one about the California attorney general, Jerry Brown, formally arguing the case that Proposition 8, an initiative that put into the state constitution the words "Marriage is only between a man and a woman"--is a violation of basic human rights.

I wonder if he'd just as easily proclaim that prohibitions against rape or child molestation are a violation of basic human rights. Nah, I didn't think so. I guess I just wonder where he gets the idea that sodomy is okay.

The answer is nowhere.

The only place where it is acceptable and from which come all sorts of strident sophistry in favor of it is the minds of "progressives," and because there are enough of them, not a lot really, but enough, then it is pronounced a human right. Seems quite democratic, that's for sure--it must be good.

Because so many of those supporters hold the most powerful megaphones in the media, that sophistry gets uttered the loudest. But it has little to do with democracy in action. It has everything to do with powerful people capturing as many souls as they can for as much human sacrifice as they can get.

Very few people can make the most cogent argument against sodomy that there is, because they too are tied to the World System that gives its pontificators the highest platform. All you get are the most destructive salvos in the culture war.

Followers of Christ do not argue against sodomy because they have any self-interest at all, as if they are harmed by what another does sexually. They are in in His hands, their selves wholly given up to Him. It can't be about them.

They argue against it because homosexual activity destroys souls, just as much as heterosexual adultery destroys souls. The follower of Christ actually loves the one who is the victim of sodomy no matter how much that individual is hammered with the idea that it is who he is and that he must be true to himself and that he must not betray the great liberating cause of sexual autonomy.

The follower of Christ merely wants the seduced homosexually-minded individual to understand how much he is a walking, talking human sacrifice for a powerful liar somewhere.

This is precisely what makes the other two stories on that front page there so full of irony. The stuff happening in Mexico is ghastly, and it would seem few would disagree. The problem is the whole culture is wrapped up in retribution. Entire mausoleums are built to the warrior victims of the drug-war carnage, and their images are painted or carved with the most ethereally belligerent depictions you could imagine. The virulent culture of death that reigns there is only symptomatic of the insatiable need of World inhabitants from the grandest palaces to the filthiest slums for

Human sacrifice.

Then there is that third story, about the 10% pay cut. So what is it? Are these people worth x amount of wages or not? Are they or aren't they? What's the story?

The story is that the only way you can be truly wealthy is by Christ. He already did the sacrifice. The end. Without Christ, you and everyone else will be spinning, getting dizzy flailing about trying to get just how much you are worth. As it is here, 10% is being hacked off by Caesar. Could have just as easily been that for some time the workers were being overpaid and they were doing the hacking, making human sacrifice of taxpayers. But yeah, by the world's measure, who'd know?...

Just so you do know, Jesus said (and I kind of trust what He says, since He kind of made the universe and probably knows how it works), that your value would be 100 times what you think is so great. Not just in heaven but right now. The only thing is that He put two conditions on that bounty.

1. Gotta give up all that stuff you thought was so great--give it up, all of it. And
2. Expect to be reviled for it.

Wow. That's too high a price for many, I know. But, here's the thing, though...

That Times front page.

Look at it. That's what you're left with. And if you rationalize it away like so many do, then you're just as much into doing human sacrifice as anyone else.

Or, yeah-- again,

You can be free from the body of death.

There is only One Way.


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