Eons of Value Disassessment, Still Ravenously Schlurped Up

My latest reading has been Unruly Americans by Woody Holton, a fine narrative about what was really happening among Americans that led them to assemble the U.S. Constitution. It doesn't come near Rulers of Evil for elucidating the core reasons America was formed, but it's pretty good at filling in much of the peripheral stuff.

What strikes me as I read is how deeply tormented were the very souls of sensitive individuals subject to rank value disassessment -- the way the World assigns value using institutionally sanctioned deceit. Taxpayers loathing bondholders, bondholders loathing currency holders, currency holders loathing tax collectors. Lots and lots of loathing among people who claimed to be followers of Christ.

It can shake you up if you don't grasp the perfectly rational reasons the bearers of Cain's legacy do what they do. It's been going on for eons and eons and eons.

This past Saturday The Los Angeles Times' Tom Petruno wrote "A Good Time to Reassess Strategy." He belched up the standard numbers of the day and followed them with the routine "Maybe you oughta do this, or maybe that." I can't help but think how many times through history top business writers have written a "Good Time to Reassess Strategy" piece. I'd bet it is in the millions.

The question is,


What is it you're trying to figure out?

What kind of lying are you trying to scoot around?

And really, if you're trying to juke the lying without calling them on it, aren't you just as much of a part of it as the liars you're hoping to sink your little schlurpy lemora chops into?

That's okay, though. That's the way it should be.

The World is all about human sacrifice, and rather powerful forces are at work to make all of it easier for you if not extraordinarily painful. As always.

Thing is I've written my latest homepage piece about this. If you take a look I'd love to get your take.


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