Oh That Caesar, He's Such a Kidder

I was thinking a bit about my last blog post, the one about the machinations of competitive duplicity required to keep professional sports economically viable. I ruminated over my little illustration about the Cowboys' new stadium and took it through a bit more logical progression. It's a great tool for identifying the truth about things.


What if the Cowboys did have a million capacity stadium, one in which they charged $10,000 a seat for each game, one where such exemplery service was offered that some kind of maximum comfort vehicle personally delivered each and every spectator to their exquisitely equipped luxury box? And what if they did indeed fill every seat for every game, and as a result had millions of dollars at their disposal, millions of dollars that would certainly be used to--yes, you got it--

Buy the very best players on the market.

Furthermore let's say that to make sure the media darling teams do have that advantage most would like them to have anyway--I mean, come on, let's not be shy--let's just abolish the draft, remove the salary cap, and allow unfettered free agency.

It is obvious what would happen. The Cowboys could outbid every other team for every one of the best players coming out of college or those who have established themselves with other teams. They would indeed have a super-duper all-pro of all-pro teams.

Now, what's the next logical step in the progression? See if you can tell from the following:

Game 1 final score: Dallas 56, Tampa Bay 3.

Game 2 final score: Dallas 62, New York 7.

Game 3 final score: Dallas 49, Carolina 0.

Game 4 final score: Dallas 73, Denver 10.

I'm not even going to put up what the score would be against the Chiefs (whimper...) but can you see what would start happening?

The seats at the new boffo spectacular Cowboys stadium would start to be quite bereft of people.

Essentially most, not all (there are some fans who would love to see their team do this for all eternity--I certainly would if it were the Chiefs), but I'm afraid most fans would meet up with their fellow Cowboy rooters and, well-- let's just say the conversation would go something like this...

"Hey, wanna go see the Cowboys whup another team?"

"Why? They're going to win. It'll be over by the middle of the first quarter. You think I want to pay $10,000 to be bored for three hours again?"

So what to do?

What to do is have all that "competitive integrity" stuff in place enough so everyone sees that there will be some close games, and sometimes it'll even be the case that a team like the Cowboys may just not get to the Super Bowl, just to make sure enough people stay on board to tune in to the NFL.

Again, this is not so pronounced as it is in major league baseball. I will actually pay attention to my Chiefs because the pro football system does allow my team the chance to be the next Pittsburgh Steelers. But I also know those times will be few and far between.

I bring this up also because this is really a microcosm of the way it works in the real world. The power brokers of World System governance whether in the political, economic, or ecclesiastical realm will always make it look like they're keeping the playing field even-steven when all they're doing is putting up a grand front to ensure the flourishing of their human sacrifice.

In today's Los Angeles Times was a very interesting picture and caption. The caption was a note about how the G-20 nations will take over the job of what it said was the "permanent body for global economic cooperation." Why do they feel they need to do this? Why do they do it at all?

The answer to the first question is that those without Christ must submit to Caesar's rule in this way. The fact that this "permanent body for blah-blah whatever-whatever good thing" is being placed in other hands is just the shifting around of those most visible to those who must make more palatable the institutional human sacrifice required of all World inhabitants.

This gets to the answer to the second question, why do they do it? They've all been trained in the Deceptive Arts so well by those expertly qualified to do that. You will never know who the "trainers" are unless your mind is molded by the reality-honing stone of Scripture. Should their company be broached or names mentioned, most would shrug them off as pleasantly innocuous college professors.

In that picture is a protestor at the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh, and you'll note he is wearing that Guy Fawkes mask made famous in the film V for Vendetta. I'd venture to say his sentiments are something along the lines of...

"Don't fence me in, copper! I know you lie and I'm out to do whatever I can to stop you!"

Thing is, Caesar will lie, but he has the authority to lie. All he does is lie. That's who he is, what he is all about. Try taking the stripes off a zebra, that's what you'd be doing to try to get him to stop.

In fact he lies so proficiently that, ironically, those in his service are part of the forces actually mobilizing Guy Fawkes' around the world to rise up against something they can do nothing about. After all the very first Guy Fawkes was a classic case of an individual exploited by the Company to keep the ball game looking close.

I mean, come on, what would it be like if the Dallas Cowboyesque police officers there were seen as having too much power? That would simply be too boring. So guess who gets to be right there on the front page of one of the country's major metropolitan newspapers?

Wow! Touchdown Dallas with no time left! That'll make the final score 17-16, but those Chiefs sure put up a valiant battle! Wowwie zowwie how exciting was that?!

I wrote a bit about the whole V for Vendetta thing at my webzine. That is here.


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