The Selective Reality Show

This past Sunday’s Doonesbury strip highlighted the great folly of buying into Caesar’s ruses. Please don’t misunderstand me, I think much of Garry Trudeau's humor is much more lame than progressives think it is, and I am instinctively repulsed by what the federal government is doing with the “ObamaCare” mess.

But Trudeau nails it here. All “tea-partiers” are doing with their vicious protestations is demonstrating their devoted allegiance to Obama and his power over their affairs. Oh Trudeau is just as much beholden to Caesar as the tea-partiers, he’s just got his own ideologically profane spin on things. Trudeau tosses his grenades in the culture war, much like the media recently have succeeded in launching their missiles linking Republicans with the most obscene tea-partiers.

I do respect the principled stand tea-partiers are taking, but it is just as veritable that they don’t realize how much they’re being played by forces they refuse to identify much less understand. In fact the most visible ones are merely stooges who inflame those passions, sentiments which only mean anything if indeed the object of their scorn was significantly meaningful to them.

Seriously, if the tea-partiers actually cherished authentic freedom, what could anything that Barack Obama and the Democrats do have to do with them? If they were genuinely free to live richly and sustain a thriving, loving, charitable community, why do they need anything that Obama offers? Why complain about a legitimate service he is selling to those who want to buy it?

I believe the unequivocal answer is that they want Obama, they need Obama, they even worship Obama. It is easy to see how unequivocal it is simply by looking at the expanse of their objections. Not only does their expressed disdain give them away, but it testifies to how much they are being played by those powers. The more rebellion, the more Caesar is justified in doing his job. Everyone wants job security, and Caesar is no different. As long as people work to rearrange the terms of their contract, he can mercilessly prosecute them for doing so.

The same Sunday the Doonesbury strip came out the Los Angeles Times had a review of a book about conspiracy theories that was pukifyingly smarmy—I mean what World megaphone holder’s approach to the plain conspiracies in front of our eyes isn’t. In it was mention of an interesting technique Caesar’s operative uses to manage the System's profound influence over World inhabitants. It was called “selective revelation.” It is the idea that the government controls what information gets out about what people (cough cough "terrorists" cough cough...) Not really a surprise, but it is a very cool euphamism. “Selective revelation.” Oooo…

Funny thing is the media already do that with everybody and everything. In fact that this is firmly declared to be a sinister government thing is just another ruse to keep people thinking that the media don’t do it. And this universal health care vs. tea party battle is a classic case of selective revelation. “People!” the World megaphone holder bellows. “Get really riled up about how much you’ll have to pay for other people’s needs! People! Make sure you're sneering at this bad thing here, here! Over here! Look!”

Never mind that the real issue lies in the hearts of evil people. That Barack Obama and all those legislators are doing precisely what much more powerful but deftly disguised powers are requiring that they do. That the more you complain about them the more you reveal your true loyalties and the more they are justified in cracking heads. That those heads to be cracked are yours if you’re the ones who’ve signed on with their enforcement policies and as such willing to pay handsomely for them to make it a bit less painful.

Much much farther away from these minds is the truth that there is One who frees from this body of death. That Jesus Christ rules in the Kingdom and there is where beauty and grace and joy and peace reign. That these things reign with the deepest and widest vengeance, so much so that Jesus spilt blood to see them manifest—His own blood.

And that the Kingdom may be experienced right now, among people who’d just let Obama and whoever else is Cain’s sworn minion do their thing—right there in the midst of the World. Is Obama the enemy of the follower of Christ? Of course he is. But if the follower of Christ did precisely what his Lord asks of him, what really is he or she expected to do with that? You know the answer…

Love him.

What that means, however, is understanding what he does with clarity and insight, and leaving him alone. It also means abandoning all the contracts and debts and obligations you have made to him and sharing the Kingdom of God with others by Christ’s love and only that love. It means sowing every dime you have to meet the needs of any and all around you, who’d see how sublime His love is through you that they’d find hope and meaning and life. (“ObamaCare”? Pshaw, what’s that?...) And this means you’d stop paying gobs of your income in tribute you wouldn't otherwise owe to all these people who have seven-fold power to slam you against the thick marble walls of justice but also can't hold a candle to the searing light of Christ. That is, unless…


Unless you are still just a Catholicist, someone pretending to be a follower of Christ and merely enabling the World System to continue its ruthless dominion over you. Then forgive me. Please. I sincerely do not want to be presumptuous.

I really don’t mean to intrude on the pleasure you have of screeching at the U.S. president whenever he comes on the TV. I don’t mean to barge into your enjoyment of the selective realities that command your attention. I don’t mean to derail your prefered lifestyle of fear and paranoia about how much these people can actually do to you.

And hey, it does make for a truly fun show. Just look at the Doonesbury cartoon.

Very entertaining, I must say.

Still contemptibly vile and reprobate, but still good for a nice show.

Some thoughts about the trudging through life in this Nation are here.


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