The World Dynamic is All About Human Sacrifice

Sunday night I went to a very nice dinner with my folks and my daughter. As such I missed 60 Minutes, which I like to look at every once in a while to see what the World is blaring through its megaphone. I did want to catch Michael Lewis' take on the financial meltdown of '08, so I watched it online.

None of it was anything I hadn't seen or known about before. But I'd venture to say a few million or so who saw it were either (a) stunned about the inner workings of what happened or (b) further enraged over things they'd already been steamed about. What gets me is that nowhere do I see the true meaning behind all of what is going on. All I see is the rage, a lot of bewilderment, and quite a bit of shoulder-shrugging because so many know that they just want to be exploiters too.

In fact, one online commenter said about the 60 Minutes piece, somewhat sarcastically I'm sure but not entirely insincerely, "Where can I get a job where you get million dollar bonuses after your firm fails?!"

See, this is precisely where the World meets Kingdom Reality. The meaningful truth that Michael Lewis and hundreds of World pundits won't and even can't divulge is that no matter how much they say it's really just a few fat cats who are exploiting us all,  it is actually


Everyone is in on the scam. From the lowest of the dregs to the highest of the powerful.

Anyone who doesn't have the Son is a human sacrificer.

What gets me is that so few people see this, much fewer have the ganas to say anything about it. I know too well that very few if anyone will read this blog post, but I just have to write, I just have to, I can't help it. While it may be the case no one will see a tittle of what I write here, there is no excuse for people to refuse to heed God's word in the Bible.

I'm not trying to brag or be a big shot, but I was writing about the horrors of World value assessment long before Michael Lewis started putting the pieces together. FYI you can look here and here and here. But enough about me. Again I really don't give a rat's nard about people seeing what I say.

I just want to see people actually truly really seeing what God said.

And doing it.

And so what's really what with all of this? It is simple, really.

It is all about human sacrifice. No, this isn't some crazed blithering from an insane mind, though I've been accused of that enough times. Go ahead, call me a loon, I'm okay.

But I simply cannot see how stripping value from millions of people no matter what powerful hegemonic institution is doing it for however many patrons is any different than some official priest hacking the pulsating heart from a POW at the top of some ziggurat in the middle of some jungle. That the latter takes about two minutes (okay, ten with all the chanting and swaying thrown in) and the former takes dozens of years shouldn't make a lick of difference.

It's still human sacrifice.

It's still a whole bunch of people worshipping mammon and doing nothing other than hauling their victims onto the altar of investment returns and systematically hacking away with all the legal and constitutional protections they are afforded.

I read a piece today called "Five Lies About the American Economy."  It goes a long way in elaborating on some of the same things Lewis shared on 60 Minutes. I'm sure those who read it with only the World perspective filling their craniums will certainly rage and stumble about, as usual. Thing is they always forget the one lie that applies to everyone.

The most important lie of all:

You are a god.

Only by confessing to believing this travesty and extending a heart-rendering request for God's forgiveness can anyone see what's really going on. Entrenched World inhabitants will never see the human sacrifice for what it is because they are too much a part of it. It is only when they appropriate the Son's sacrifice for them can they give it up, step into the Kingdom, and look upon the horror with the most lucid understanding.

Until then, they'll just be gods battling it out for blood at every level--not just physical but emotional, spiritual, financial, commercial, political, ecclesiastical, institutional, everywhere and anywhere.

Hey, the newest film rendition of The Clash of the Titans comes out this week. But hey! Save yourself $11! You can see it all over the place, even in Michael Lewis' feeble attempt to expose things (and he will get a few million $$$ for his miniscule efforts).

I'm not jealous, really, I'm not. I don't care. Good for Michael Lewis. He did a lot of work to point things out. At least there's that. But the 60 Minutes piece ended with this statement from him that is exactly like every other statement at the end of every other "Errrgh-those-drated-Wall-Street-big-shots-I-so-hate-them-and-you-should-join-me-in-hating-them-too" expose. He said,

"And if you know you're gonna blow up AIG by putting $20 billion of bad subprime mortgage risk into it even though it's gonna be very profitable for you, you should stop and say this shouldn't be done."

Thuh end.
That's it. That was the end of the piece. Like that is so profound.
Well, it is actually. It is profound to the extent that Lewis is just confirming what's true, that these people are presuming they're gods. They're gods who really should've known better than to expose themselves so brazenly--they really should have lied much much better than they did. It shows clearly that these people are all still believing the very first lie of them all, and as all World gods will do, they will do human sacrifice. It is in their nature.
The only way out is by Christ.
And really truly actually giving it all up, going all the way over to Him in the Kingdom.
Completely sold out, thus losing yourself (and the World, by the way)
But getting your very soul back.
My most recent home page piece gets into human sacrifice a bit more.


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