
If you pay even the slightest attention to current events, you may have caught sight of an unprecedented incident. It was announced on a Friday afternoon, a time notorious for rapt inattention when most are speeding out of the office to hook up the trailer and head to the river. Even if you did catch it you'll see that any significant meaning will be seriously muted by the divinely ordained power of the order. It always is for such occurrences.

The ho-hum story was the Jesuits' record payout of some $100+ million in a settlement over sexual abuse claims made in the Pacific Northwest.

You'd think something like this would thoroughly discredit the Roman Catholic Church, but sadly, most will rationalize it away with casuistry having to do with their respectability in at least paying those seduced into their convenient prostitution. There's always a good reason, and the Jesuits are best at coming up with good reasons. They run the World System and are experts at all forms of murder and deceit. Do you actually think this isn't small potatoes for them?

For the benefit of a world full of reprobate sinners, it is very good that the Jesuits are so good at what they do. They run the Agency of Cain's ecclesiastical division where they can best use the weapons of psychological terrorism to achieve their ends. For those who refuse to come to Christ and find their righteousness in Him, they are truly the next best thing.

This story is a fine pretext for addressing an interesting book that is getting some press called Endgame by John Mauldin and Jonathan Tepper. It is a penetrating look into what the global debt crisis is really all about. I admit I haven't read it, but from the various punditry and scattered author's remarks, I get the idea that the conclusion is that we all just need to pay attention and shape up and get with fixing our borrowing addiction.


A while ago my cousin shared a George Carlin YouTube video on Facebook. I was curious and watched the three minute or so clip, and it was one of those times when Carlin really says what's what. In it he does his best schtick in speaking of the power the banks, brokerages, corporations and whoever else financially high and mighty have over everyone.

As those in the audience watched him with that goofy smile on their faces, you know the one, it says "We all think you're really funny even though you're telling us what benighted slaves we all are and, hey, we are laughing on the inside because we can sure relate to that!" Carlin concluded with this essential truth, rather ferociously delivered I might add:

"They own you."

Oh. That's nice. While it is indeed true, my cousin regrettably joins bazillions of others gushing "You tell it like it is, George!" and they all gird the intractable presumption that the only way to change things is to challenge the owners. Revile and rail and rant loudly in their faces, that's the solution.

What folly.

Everyone without Christ is like those sexual abuse victims in the Oregon Province. It is not just that they own you, they're paying you to stay slaves, and you keep gleefully lapping it up. You like the fine meats and wines of Egypt, and if you were so blessed to be liberated from that slavery and spend a couple days in the desert, you'll predictably whine to God. When He graciously drops manna from heaven to abundantly care for you, you scrounge for more even when it spoils in your hands.

The only end game to all the awfulness of the World, from priest sexual exploitation to harrowingly overwhelming debt burdens, is to abjure the realm all together.

Get out of it.

It is the only end game that counts at all in the very end of all the ends World pontificators say are the ends. The virulent debt crisis is only the most pronounced economically visible symptom of a planet full of wicked people doing human sacrifice to the joy of the Society. Don't want to be a part of it anymore?

Get your ass out of it.

Don't complain to anyone who's just going to keep you a slave. Don't remonstrate against the firmly legitimate duties of the Jesuits to form the minds of those who administer the head-cracking hegemony -- the legislators, bureaucrats, bankers, ministers, educators, and journalists -- all of whom are figuratively ramming their genitalia into your orifices and paying you nicely to do so. Yeah, if you don't want that anymore, it unequivocally requires -- as colorfully explicit as it is -- you getting your ass out of the way of their you-know-whats.

But it only counts if you hightail it to the One Who Liberates. He said Himself that you can proudly rid your soul of one demon, but if you don't replace it with His Spirit many more demons just as wretched will fill the vacuum. The World has millions of spirits festering and spewing out of the hearts of millions of slobbering value extractors, all of whom want you for dinner. A lot of them even look a lot like Jesus.

Heaven has the One Alternative. The One -- there is Only One.

Do you put your faith in Christ?

Then mean it and live for Him, letting Him love you, then loving others and telling them the truth about things and providing what you can for them with grace and kindness and compasion. Furthermore make your devotion to Him exclusive by working with others to prayerfully and studiously abandon all the commitments and obligations you have with the Agency, as well as all the benefits you get from them.

And as you gather with other followers of Christ, nurture an insightfully firm knowledge about the true meaning of the Roman Catholic Church. Don't do anything with it except to understand it. It can't stop sodomizing itself and any who enter its sphere of influence, which is very wide and insidiously diverse. It does what it is supposed to be doing and has been doing it for millennia.

As you abjure, trust Him -- really. You don't think the God of the Universe would bring you the most complete fulfillment in whatever He knows is best for you? You don't think He'd empower you to pool your resources (which are His anyway) so you could have all the nice things you have now, if not more? You don't trust a God who created the heavens and the earth to take care of you for everything you'd ever really need or want, in a rich vibrant community of others who love Him and love others? Really?

One reason you may not trust Him like that is because the Jesuits have taught you quite well not to. That's cool though. As long as you give consent and keep eating at their table you'll remain under their hypnotic power -- remember, quite legitimate by God's design for those who simply will not bend the knee and call on His name. Look at the fourth chapter of Genesis to see more of what I'm talking about.

But if you want the true, real, most rapturous freedom there is, the only way to get it is to


And don't look back.

All that matters is you taking The Shepherd's hand, and looking forward to the Kingdom He longs to enjoy with you.


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