"Everybody's Gotta Bleed"

This is kind of an addendum to my last blog post, "Everything is Window Rebuilding." I took issue with Caroline Baum's remark that earthquake's are bad for an economy, not because they aren't, but because everything that anyone does is about repairing something.

The Jewish mystics even had a term for it, tikkun, and it is a certain truth that the world around us is broken, battered, beaten, and in dire need of an expert handy man.

The problem with the concept of tikkun is simply that there are two types of handy men in the Yellow Pages. One is sitting in a modest throne room in some presently little known location processing all the information the World System gathers to better manage the sin of the inhabitants he is charged with constraining. This often requires extraordinary deceit and calculated murder, and it always involves grand acts of provocation for the most proficient implementation.

And it can never be anything other than human sacrifice.

This is why all the Caroline Baums and Frederic Bastiats given over to the World cannot fathom how broken windows happen, and what precisley is the best solution to the agony they cause. The first handy man can only smile at you and employ lots of bleeders to patch it up a bit.

What about the second Handy Man?

He's the One who shed His own blood so that the window may be completely replaced.

There's the difference. It is the most profound difference of anything there is a difference for. That sounds kind of odd, a bit melodramatic, yes, but it is true.

Here's a good look at the distinction.

In my newspaper today was an article about the budget impasse in the state's legislature. Some Republicans are being criticized for joining the enemy, the Democratic governor, and one of those lawmakers offered these words.

"Everybody's got to bleed a little bit."

I can't see how someone sworn to Cain's service can't mean precisely what he says in the duty of enforcing the World's precepts. Everyone without Christ will do or be a victim of human sacrifice. The burglar smashing through the window is as natural an occurance as a 9.0 temblor and massive tidal wave. It will always happen in a world by people who can't help but get bled or make others bleed.

I found a very interesting passage in the Bible that confirms this prescription. It really captivated me -- Psalm 124 was the one. It is simply an affirmation that God is the one who protects anyone. In this instance "...when men rose up against us [and] would have swallowed us alive."

So what is it that God is protecting one against?

There is no question.

It is human sacrifice.

Christ has already made it so those who are His, who have been put "on His side" (see the Psalm), do not have to bleed except by the self-sacrifice they readily make by His love -- crucified with Him, yes, but also with His power to overcome the evil one and thrive gloriously with Him.

The World System hacks off parts of everyone who looks to it for moral and spiritual guidance with the pretext that "Everyone's gotta bleed." Fear, bitterness, and privation follow.

The Kingdom and all that God possesses is guaranteed by the measure of Christ's blood for those who want to revel in it and draw others into it with His bountiful charity. Joy, contentment, and abundance reign there.

This whole blog and webzine endeavor is all about encouraging people to leave be those in the World System whereever they are, the legislators and pundits, the generals and pontificators -- leave them to bleed dry everyone whom they're ordained to, and do so by completely jettisoning all those significations that they are their lords -- the 501c3 non-profit incorporations, the W-4 tax liability commitments, the voter registration rolls, the usurious debt contracts, the Social Security identifications, the guilt-driven tithing obligations -- all of them.

Get into community with other truly devoted Christ followers, pray and fellowship and sing hymns and do this with great abandon, and then get serious and pool all your resources so you would generate great increase of the Kingdom in your very midst right now.

Really, look in your Bibles, go ahead, look there -- see where it says anywhere that worship communities and anyone in them must be contracted with Caesar in any way for those in that community to work hard, provide for loved ones, and grow in Christ.

It is simple, really. If you choose to stay in the World, you'll just be bled some more. That's all.


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