The Galleon Verdict Revelation

I wish I could blog nonstop here. I wish many more people would read what I would be writing here if I could write more. I wish I wasn't so tired all the time from all my regular commitments, simply because there is so much I see out there that confirm the brutal realities that exist in a very oppressive World in such striking contrast to a vibrantly liberating Kingdom.

I'd keep writing and writing and writing until perhaps at least someone would also see those confirmations. To be honest I wouldn't even be writing now but for the fact that one of the more elucidating of those really quite common revelations was made this week in a standard piece of financial punditry. I just have to remark about it, if only for a brief blog post.

Check out Frank Partnoy's "The real insider tip from the Galleon verdict." He addresses the very common concern of all who are paying attention that insider trading just isn't really anything defined, much less something that can be efficaciously prosecuted. He simply writes that the conviction of hedge fund manager Raj Rajaratnam only gives value extractors the precise instructions they need to carry out the most proficient human sacrifice. To wit:

Don't let yourself be recorded. Be cryptic. Don't buy lots at once. Buy derivatives and swaps. And have lots of excuses for why you did a thing netting you a few extra millions-of-dollars when it really looks like you exploited information to whack off a nice juicy chunk of someone else's value.

The key is to make a note of who the guy is writing this all down for you.

A professor of law at the University of San Diego.

A Jesuit institution of higher learning.

Yes, there is something of great significance there, something quite plain and obvious to those who have asked God to drop the scales from their eyes so they can see truth and grace in its profound glory.

Indeed, if they genuinely knew the One who is Truth and Grace, they'd know. With an inner peace and steady contentment they'd know what is really going on. The best thing going on is that -- in the midst of this kind of harrowing revelation, in the whirlwind of so many others allowing this abjectly incessant body of death to ravage them, in the sorrow of the pain they endure no matter how much authentic followers of Christ seek to share His abundant mercy with them no matter how much they are virulently reviled for it -- they are firmly in His deep abiding care.

Without Him, you're on the altar of human sacrifice.

Now that so many know how best to do it, don't count on getting off any time soon.



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