Is The Restrainer Getting Ready to Leave?

I felt like jotting down some thoughts here in my blog, just some of the things I see happening that sadden me actually. A lot of things sadden me, but one of the most visceral is beholding the rank evil that people do. Yeah yeah that's not saying much, because people are always doing evil to one another. What really presses hard against my soul is how much they do it behind bright smiles and splendid good deeds. And yeah yeah yeah, people have been doing it for millennia, so what of it.

Yeah, guess I shouldn't hurt so much about it. But I still do. And I think I hurt so much about it when people just shrug it off as standard practice. As something to resign oneself to endure because it's been going on for so long. Or just as reprehensible: as something to smother in the sweet vanilla frosting of wholesome religion or nice good-deed-doing or that putridly fake righteousness that is often blurted as "I'm not perfect you're not perfect so let's just deal with it."

Thing is if the restrainer was not in place to keep people from being the major league aye-holes that they are -- and please, I'm not exempt either -- then the world would end in a day. Yesterday a lot of people in Russia were stunned by a meteor that sped through the sky and blew up over their heads. This, of course got lots of people to proclaim the world is ending and all that.

Now I am one of those who do believe the world is going to end, Christ will return, and all the rest of it. But that's a lot of it, isn't it? So many blithely dismiss people like me as "Doomsday Scarers," never to be taken seriously because the world was supposed to have ended a lot of times already and hasn't.

This is because the restrainer is still in place, keeping people from giving full vent to their sin. God said in the Bible that the restrainer would be fully removed before things really start happening.

I'm just wondering if I'm starting to see cracks in the restrainer's constitution.

Look at the Roman Catholic Church. The Vatican has been hammered recently with the pope's surprising resignation stemming somewhat from his utter embarrassment over his aide's revelations about the wretched practices of Roman Catholic governance. Know what the butler said? Yeah, not many do, but if you knew you'd be going "This is the Catholic Church? Wow." The Vatican is also having to face its now plainly identified complicity in the sexual abuse situation. If you haven't really been paying attention to that, it is extraordinarily nasty stuff.

The trick is that Rome is a critical restraining force keeping a reprobate populace from again giving full vent to the evil they would otherwise use to murder everyone around them in an instant. As evil as Rome is in and of itself, it is that divinely authorized force of restraint at this moment in time. When it is removed, God will also remove His elect, and to use a phrase, "All hell will break loose." The elect are none other than sinners who have made a decision to repent and turn to Christ and make Him Lord of their lives.

But Rome is just the main part of the restrainer "network" so to speak. The United States federal government is also a restrainer, and it would seem nothing can touch the temporal god Obama. Thing is, even he is being subjected to disdain from the reprobate faithful who are criticizing him for allowing flying drones to follow and perhaps even take some kind of "prosecutorial" action against individuals. This is besides the fact that Obama is an empty suit with nothing but pithy politicisms to spew and a ridiculously impotent Congress to slog along with him. The U.S's financial standing is abysmal and on track to destroy the country, and those politicians, their enabling media, or the people who still fawn over them haven't the faintest idea of what this all really means.

Then there is the third part of the restrainer network, the banking and financial system. Experts at the most wicked prevarication in committing the worst value extraction against people, their lies have got to be getting close to the olfactory cells of a just God. There are still shrieks for slicing up the too-big-to-fail institutions, there are still cries to get the rich to pay more somehow, there are still dire warnings about the bubbles still there waiting to explode -- hey, the Dow is right back up to 14,000, ziiip just like that.

Look at that. Just look at the restrainer as it is. Just look. Rome, Washington, Wall Street.

Sure most would go, "Yep, what a pathetic bunch," and they'll holler and hoot in whatever way about how lamentable it is and how it should all be fixed and all the rest of it.

But as a follower of Christ who reads His word every day, I see something different. I see cracks in those things and they don't bode well for those without Christ, or with a Christ who is a concoction of World operatives trying to keep people in the World System fold. That restrainer has got to be there until you do decide you want to be Christ's.

Because when Rome and Washington and Wall Street go, it's going to get really really ugly.

And for those who think Jesus isn't coming soon, think about this. He may not come for another fifty thousand years. He just might not return for as long, or longer. I got that.

But you'll be dead in less than seventy.

So really, how long He takes really just doesn't matter a whole lot, because at sometime that'll really be in a relative femtosecond of eternity, you'll be facing Jesus Christ who will either be your Judge or your Advocate.

This is why when I read or see or hear about people who, when you say "The end is nigh!" they say "Talk to the hand!" I can't help but feel very sad. They give every excuse in the book for why they shouldn't consider any of this seriously.

Or they leap right back into their vitriolic revulsion of Rome-Washington-Wall Street. Oh I understand why, I do know they are just as fantastically evil as they think they are. But they're just not getting the purpose of that, and way worse --

What that has to do with them.


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