The Reports of the Restrainer's Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated

A couple days ago I put up a post here about what is going on with the restrainer. I'm reluctant to capitalize the term "the restrainer" because there really is one The Restrainer and He is God Himself.

But the small-cap restrainer is the World System, that generally comprises the Roman Catholic Church, the temporal government network led in large part by the United States federal government, and the banking and finance organism led by the central banks most notably the U.S. Federal Reserve. The overarching hegemonic rule of all of these is molded chiefly by the most powerful education and media institutions, who themselves are governed by the words and directives of a generally unknown superior (interestingly one who is regularly called "Father General" by his agents) working through the organization authorized to arrange the work of restraining man's sinful behavior.

In that post I'd pointed out that there may be cracks in those restraining institutions, but as I thought about it, I wanted to make sure there was no question about what I was saying. My desire to include this quasi-"for the record" simply comes from the fact that these institutions are ingenious at making themselves look vulnerable as a critical function of maintaining their legitimacy.

If we treat the Bible seriously and observe current events carefully, it cannot be denied that Rome and Washington and Wall Street are the iron triangle of judgment against sinners, implemented as far back as shortly after Cain murdered Abel. The World System is nothing other than the small-r restrainer doing the work of cracking heads as an instrument of the large-R Restrainer. Oh, and it should be added that because the restrainer is wholly evil -- made up of liars and murderers who must utilize deceit and death to do its job -- it has been sent completely out of the presence of God to do its ruthlessly brutal work.

This System, if you look closely at the fourth chapter of Genesis, has seven times the strength of any who would challenge it. So no matter how much it appears to be weakening, no matter how much it appears that it is undergoing reform, no matter how much it smiles and gushes for those it chooses to exploit for its ends, it will always be the most crushing force on the planet.

And for good reason.

It is because people who sin need restraint. If that restraint isn't there, then <<poof>> man is dead in an instant.

This is why it is a crack-up to me that so many work so hard to try to reform these elements. "Come clean you Catholic priests and leaders who enabled them!" How little these people know that this is what they do. If not sexual abuse, then the most terrifying psychological abuse -- but people fully Catholicized just can't see it. Yeah, maybe you can see why I am so sad as I'd mentioned in the previous post.

Or to the feds, "You need to shape up Congress we really hate you for being so spineless about things!" Then they go off and form more interest groups or thinktanks or political action groups -- while I admire their principles, the Tea Partiers are some of the most misled of all. Except that, well, they may just be doing their duty in Cain's service. What of it. They screech that Obama is a fool, but in a very profound sense, he's supposed to be. Any other political officer is proclaimed a fool as well, but in the service of Cain's legacy he is supposed to be. Indeed most will fawn over them in ways that are just as pukifying as their censure.

All the official priests and bureacrats have seven-fold power to do foolish things but only because it requires folly like flying drone technology swooping down on fools to keep them from being more foolish. So if I gave the idea that flying drone "prosecution" was something the feds should not be doing, well, forgive me. Flying drones are a great tool for cracking heads of those who insist on staying in their sin and not turning 180 degrees to Christ.

And yeah, there's all the ranting and raving about the bankers and speculators and financiers and arbitrageurs and all the other value extractors out there. Fools need their value overassessments scaled back, and these institutions are only doing their jobs in the most cunningly merciless way -- they're supposed to.

So really, the only thing I was saying in my post from a couple days ago was not that the restrainer (small-r) was in trouble. I only mentioned some things about it to get readers who may want to see it to see that they're there, doing their jobs faithfully, dutifully, proficiently, only because there're still a gargantuous number of people who need it.

Yes, it is still true that God will remove it. He will remove it soon because He will be returning soon, and soon means soon even if that's in fifty thousand years. So for those who make fun of a Christian's belief that Jesus is coming in the next femtosecond, who is really the fool? Fifty thousand years is a femtosecond on the scale of eternity.

So which one are you?

Someone who is so smart about getting World institutions or operatives to change and be better and just be ever-so wholesome things -- after all the next thirty or forty years of life is really a long time, whew, I don't want to be dead too soon now.

Or the worst kind of fool of all to actually think that God loves someone so much that He'd give His own life to rescue him from himself, something that carries into eternity. For you see -- if indeed you want to see -- that God has Cain and all that his legacy entails out there cracking heads --

But He has Christ right there for you to go to if you want out of it.

That's all I'm trying to say with this.

I wrote a home page piece about six years ago with my take on a phenomenally telling film, V for Vendetta. In it I get into Cain's modus operandi for all who need his services. That piece is here.


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