The Battle Was Lost a Long Time Ago

Just had to add a quick post about the brutal Supreme Court decisions today about same-sex marriage. They were brutal to the extent that millions of people will listen to what schnazzily robed legal scholars will proclaim about inherently moral issues, and arrange their moral behavior accordingly.

But really, those decisions represent that which Cain's city will legitimately adjudicate, and that is only what a reprobate population will demand. It is what it is.

One of the things it is is miles away from the Kingdom. The Kingdom: the place where mercy, forgiveness, grace, life, and authentic joy reign. It is the place containing the throne of the One who loves with His life, the One who sends ambassadors out to be His word to others.

But yeah.

Where are those people.

After the Court's decisions today many will lament the brazen loss of sexual and marital integrity in society, but the fact is, that was gone when too many people refused to speak out boldly against homosexual activity wherever it was practiced. Society has been emasculated -- unable to make the lucid, articulate, and yes, righteous case against homosexual behavior and homosexual enablement on the grounds that engaging in such acts with anyone no matter how much consent is involved is a moral crime.

Now we're at the point where we're talking about the definition of marriage as if its merely a matter of semantics. Um, the reality is that it doesn't really much matter anymore. We lost marriage and all the stability and strength of family and respect for children when years ago we didn't stand up for God's standard of sexuality. The cat's out of the bag, the horse is out of the barn, the whole zoo has bolted.

Maybe there is something positive that will come from this. Maybe we will start seeing what a fully emasculated society does, how phenomenally ugly that will look (and already does look), and then maybe some will start actually calling on the Only Answer.

After all, that's what people did after Cain built his city for which the most extravagant exhibitions of the worst human sacrifice practices could be performed. Yes, it's true, those practices are still going on today. When anyone commits a sexual crime against another he is engaging in human sacrifice. Now it is just more firmly enabled by city administrators.

Anyway, what did those people long, long ago do after beholding the first city's rank brutality?

The called on the name of the Lord.

Some did, anyway.

Go ahead, look there right at the end of the fourth chapter of Genesis. You can see it too.

How many will do the same today?

Oh, by the way, here's a blog post from the time the Supremes were hearing the arguments about same-sex marriage back in March. It'll get right at some of the core issues.


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