The 3,000th Human Sacrifice - Eh, Whatever. Err, Wait! I'm Supposed to Care? Well, Okay Then! Oh!

I had to post a follow-up to the last post about the wretched condition of a world consumed by darkness. The latest was the recognition of nearly 800 forgotten deaths of children born to some the most tragically marginalized people, sexually abused women.

I had gotten the idea that the remains were physically discovered, but apparently they were merely found by someone filing through the records kept at the time. Still, apparently there have been anecdotal tales along the lines of "Mommy, look what I found in the empty field down the road" as the skull of a small child is held up for inspection by an adult expressing the requisite incredulity.

I simply had to add a remark about something the author of Philomena had said in his op-ed in the Washington Post, something that more fully reveals his own intractably Catholicist sentiments. What does this mean, Catholicist sentiments? It means that as much as he and a huge portion of the world rage and rail and rant at the Roman Catholic Church, they are just as much in its throes until they actually volitionally get out. But getting out can only mean something without extremely agonizing discomfort if one does so in the embrace of Christ. Buuut... these people are convinced the Catholic Church is the repository for all things Christ -- even though that Christ is a phenomenally ingenious counterfeit -- that they consider all they have is that, so they continue in their hopeless, hapless crusade to make things within it all better again.

Crushing. It is. So many, so lost, so sorrowfully drowning in a cesspool of World death.

This author, Martin Sixsmith, said that one of the key problems is that the Church always stigmatizes unmarried sex. There you go. For one, unmarried sex is the problem, not the stigmatizing of it. For two, the stigmatizing of it is and has been done by an institution that is and has always been about rigid law enforcement. Have unaccepted sex and the law comes down hard. Put these two things together and what do you have.

Powerful men sexually abusing women and being allowed to get away with it because they are the ones using the weight of the law to protect themselves. They've got tons of help from the Society -- that military ecclesiastical organization that works it all out so these power-brokers can stay in power enabled by the very people who are exploited. It is indeed, a horrific body of death.

Sixsmith and the typical Catholicist's solution is to unstigmatize sexual relations by empowering women through humanist solutions, in this case letting her have just as much sexual "freedom" as the exploitive men have had. Oh, that's nice. Keep people, men and women, stuck in exactly what is so benighted about the whole thing to begin with.

The gospel solution is to introduce people to Christ from whom people can know what is true and righteous about things, including what the proper relationship between men and women should be. This way women are not only empowered as they should be by way of understanding who they were created and redeemed to be, but also it holds men responsible for their actions, in this instance to actually love others as Christ did, including treating women whoever they are with the deepest respect, care, and understanding.

Wow! What a concept! Thing is the Catholicized individual knows nothing about this idea, because, yeah, it actually treats Jesus as if He's a real person! Someone who actually knows what's going on and wants to be in the mix to heal, restore, and save. Wow! How about that! You mean, Jesus is... Jesus is real?! Not just some fairy tale religious figure?

The key is something I cannot emphasize enough. I really don't think anything will change until people start to more fully grasp the idea that World inhabitants moved to think and feel and behave by World operatives in Cain's employ will always do human sacrifice. They must. Always. Acts of sexual aggression against marginalized women are acts of human sacrifice. Leaving the products of such unions to the worst conditions contributing to early deaths are acts of human sacrifice. They still happen today, as Sixsmith and so many others themselves insist. Why don't we hear so much about these kinds of things? Well, because the media don't share them with us, and today it is so much more sanitized because in many cases these children are just murdered before they are even born. Abortion -- standard human sacrifice practice.

Don't think it qualifies as human sacrifice? How about these stories that seep past the megaphone-holder screening grunts of the System: that aborted fetuses and fetal body parts are being fed into refuse-to-energy processors. Damn, if that isn't modern-day Molech feeding I don't know what is.

How about this feature of modern-day human sacrifice related to children? This story about all the underage migrants just showing up in Texas and Arizona immigration detention/processing centers. Hundreds of them, just showing up. Overwhelming the system.

My question is, how did they get there? For cryin' out loud, where are the parents? The guardians? Any adult with any consideration of these, yes, children?! Nothing from the media. Nothing. Just that they showed up, as well as gobs of information about golly gosh how noble and helpful all us American are.

Apparently what's been happening is that people in Mexico and Central American have been so inundated with the reality of how much our ribald codependence is as real as it is that they literally shuffle them off on any vehicle conveyance they can find, railroad cars heading north seems to be the one I've heard about the most. That sounds melodramatic, but I don't know! The fact is they are transported some way, with the help of some adults, and they make their way to the U.S. border. Along the way are helpful contacts willing to feed them and keep them on track until, viola! Here they are, across the border and in U.S. hands for the proper care, feeding, clothing, and processing of further attention.

I actually heard on the radio an NPR tease for a story about the situation: how heartbreaking it is for a child in immigration court sitting in a chair, his feet can't even touch the floor, it is so sad, so very sad. It is all designed to pull on the heart strings to keep promoting the humanist idea that the U.S. must be the rescuer of everyone.

This is human sacrifice. These children are being sacrificed on the altar of powerful people working industriously to look like they are doing something wonderful and honorable and splendid. The parents of these children -- wherever they are -- are being heaved on the altar too, being exploited by their home country's government officials who won't step out of their Catholicist sewer and be accountable for governing. To their credit (as it were) they can't because they are being played by the powerful business interests pulling their strings -- all of them being played by the elements of Cain's ecclesiastical agency which people refuse to acknowledge because it is indeed that very same Roman Catholic Church right around the corner from where they live -- my goodness it can't be that -- they are so nice and wholesome and nice.

Yeah, they are. They're supposed to be that. Nice and wholesome and nice. That's what Cain's agency is supposed to do -- I understand. I got you. You're right. No argument from me, please know that. It is unseemly to actually acknowledge all this because, well, because it is just so difficult. Addiction to the World System is so gripping, and that it hits so close to home, so close to what we're so used to.

Speaking of children, one last thing, one thing that just makes me hurt about all this, one more thing about the core facets of contemporary American human sacrifice.

I happened to catch a few, just a few, televised scenes from the 9/11 Memorial Museum dedication ceremony a couple weeks ago. The one that caught my eye was that of a children's choir singing "Somewhere" from West Side Story to the gathered masses. Right smack in the middle of this quasi-auditorium was a long concrete column from the remains of one of the original buildings.

There it was, standing erect, just like a modern-day obelisk. It was all so somber, all so severe -- but the whole thing was just a picture of the horrifically desolate Body of Death. The song wasn't even anything related to God, just "Somewhere there's a place for us" -- where? The worship of an idol, yes, this new obelisk idol was lit up and given great prominence -- don't think it wasn't given the proper reverence by the faithful. There was even a boldly displayed quote from Virgil, not from Scripture, but from the writer of the greatest literary work of World glorification there is.

And the quote doesn't even truly fit the context of the whole endeavor, as classics scholar Caroline Alexander, writing in the New York Times no less, points out. The quote, from The Aeneid: "Fortunati ambo! si quid mea carmina possunt, nulla dies umquam memori vos eximent aevo," as in "Happy pair! If aught my verse avail, no day shall even blot you from the memory of time," referring to two dutiful Trojan crack military officers who fought valiantly before being captured and brutally executed.

But then, why the criticism? All who live by Catholicist principles strive in Catholicist war. All who commit human sacrifice no matter how rigorously sanitized are themselves subject to be sacrificed with the commensurate proclamations about how lasting one's existence is in the memory of time.

Sorry. But I don't want to live in the terribly nebulous "memory of time." That's all the World has to offer.

I want to be in the embrace of the One who died and shed His blood for me simply because He loved me with His own life.

But damn.

Gotta go there.

Gotta go where He is.

And it just isn't anywhere near any of this.


I've put up some things on my webzine about The Culture War, and Human Sacrifice. Just some thoughts, including some on this Catholicist Nation thing, as well on The One Who Loves. Seven years ago I also wrote a home page piece about immigration and what I think it is really all about, that's here as well.

I've also long ago enabled the comments feature in my blog, but Blogger just doesn't have it enabled for me there for some reason. Don't know why. Would love to hear from you though. Email me if you have a sec.


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