The 800th Human Sacrifice - Yawn...

I simply cannot neglect to put a quick blog post down about that "discovery" of nearly 800 bodies of children dumped in a septic tank near a long-demolished convent that once served as a half-way house for unwed mothers.

I did put that word in that first paragraph, discovery, in quotes because one of the small items in mix of all of it is that people had already known about this mass grave of sorts but just shrugged it off as this thing or that thing -- I don't even remember the excuses, the whole thing was so wretched.

The deal is that babies and small children who didn't exactly receive the best care at this place and as such died, were pretty much just dumped, and since it happened so frequently those bodies just kind of piled up over a 30+ year period over 50 years ago.

Today on NPR's All Things Considered, journalist Alison O'Reilly elaborated on it all, and she echoed all the ferocious "It's appalling" sentiments. Sorry, but it made me think about Captain Renault in Casablanca. After the raid on Rick's he sanctimoniously bleats, "I'm shocked, shocked that there's gambling going on here" as he's handed his latest winnings. How many times do we see shit like this happening and watch people do the Captain Renault bit.

Thing is, how many times are we courageous enough to see that it involves human sacrifice?

I have my gmail account jiggered to get me any news or remarks around the cybersphere about human sacrifice. Right there -- an alert for anything labeled "Human Sacrifice." I want to know about it. Guess what I get? Plap. About half of what I get is about some song or musical group, looks like some kind of anime thing, Alice Human Sacrifice, don't know a thing about it. What's with that. Most of the rest is just tedious rehashing about what ancient primitive tribes did what kinds of pulsating heart yanking things.

Umm, excuse me, but where's the stuff about contemporary human sacrifice? Real meaningful commentary on how the most hifalutin out there are habitually throwing people on that altar all the time? In fact, there it is, in bright brilliant colors in front of us, and we just keep going "That's appalling."

A piece about all this appeared in the Washington Post of all places, by Martin Sixsmith, the guy who wrote Philomena -- I don't know anything about Philomena but apparently it is about a woman who was one of those unwed mothers, essentially considered trash. He wrote nothing other than this is not an isolated incident, and that the whole filthy mess is woven throughout the whole Catholic Church environment. The problem is that whole swaths of humanistically minded society already hate the Catholic Church and are fully aware of these kinds of abuses. Perversely they reveal their committed devotion to the Church they say they revile, however, by working to try to change it reform it fix it improve it censure it or do anything with it at all.

This is really what Sixsmith's conclusion involves. He details some of the more visible machinations, and then just whines. Those dastardly Catholic exploiters, we've got to do something about them. 

I'm actually very sad for them because they are being so viciously played. They will never grasp the truth that the Roman Catholic Church is Cain's ecclesiastical legacy and it will always do its business of keeping sinful people in line with the greatest religious fervor, fully authorized by God who sent it in motion completely out of His presence to do its thing, millennia ago. Cain was allowed to have free reign to reign, not just to build a city and set up an entire culture of awesome things so people can make an idol of that awesome culture, but to employ expert military-style deep-politics operatives to ensure that enrapture is fully entrenched.

Something O'Reilly said in that interview struck me. It was something megaphone mouthpiece holders regularly say to divert attention away from the crimes the Church commits, you know what that is...

"Society is just as much to blame. Ordinary people just let it happen." That's pretty much what she said.

It made me think of two things. First, who are the ones who are teaching people in this society of ours to do that voodoo that they do so well? Who are these men so adept at not just teaching people but to hypnotically compel them to believe and think and feel the way they do? These teachers are not only geniuses at girding the human sacrifice hell that thrives all around us, but they are super-geniuses at convincing us to fiercely dismiss all the ways human sacrifice is committed today. Here's a catalog of all that, by the way, but, alas, I've never seen this webpage or any like it referenced in my gmail alerts.

Secondly, she said "Society" is responsible. I truly think that reference, Society means something a lot more specific than just a nebulous glop of people.

If it is responsible, this Society, then she's revealing a lot more about what's going on.

Want to know?

Then ask Christ to let you see.

Yeah, without Him, forget it. And then after a few more proud "I'm appalled" blurts, we can go back to gleefully heading off to our benighted Alice Human Sacrifice obsession or whatever it is.


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