Biblical Archetypes in the Mainstream

A couple things I thought about looking at current events these days.

One, this "ALS Challenge" thing that's sweeping the country. People are being doused with ice water like the winning football coaches, only this is for the cause of finding a cure for ALS. The thing I thought about was, hmm, seems like a baptism to me.

Getting baptized is what one does after declaring his/her belief on Christ. It is public demonstration of that commitment, much like a wedding is for a man and woman who wish to be married.

I was interested in just how explosive this is promotion is. What does it mean? What does it mean for people doing it, issuing the challenges? One of my questions is, if ALS is so bad and it can be addressed with some ample funding, why not just do that? Why not just fund it? Why the showy displays of concern about it?

Two, a kidnapped journalist was beheaded in a video-taped act of terrorism, and this barbarism has received the greatest amount of denunciation by just about everyone. Then I came across the story of John the Baptist's death.

He was beheaded by powerful people, just like this Islamic militant rebel group. He was beheaded to please certain individuals who were upset that they were being criticized regarding their behavior.

And after he was told about John's beheading, do you know what Jesus said? He said, "Come away and rest for a while." Jesus wanted peace and quiet, maybe to grieve, but maybe also to just not be anywhere near the maelstrom of World System machinations.

Thing is, people still swarmed around him. He then fed them with the fishes and loaves. They were filled, and when hungry again, they came back for more. This time He asked, "Do you not understand?"


Do you not understand?

Do you not understand what's really going on with the media sensations seared into our psyches?

Furthermore, do you not understand what Christ is really about?


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