Biblical Archetypes in the Mainstream Addendum

Felt like adding a note from the last post to clear up something I'd thought a reader might consider. I'd mentioned that this ISIS Islamic terrorist group was "powerful." Yes yes, I know, it really isn't that powerful. It really is just a punky mealy-mouthed band of ruffians who are -- at least by the accounts we hear -- reasonably organized and full of devoted followers -- but really no different from any of the other dozen prominent Islamicist groups doing things like marauding about in favor of Sharia law somewhere.

The fact is, they are powerful simply because the World System makes them such. How often do you behold the media shouting "Lions and tigers and bears oh my!!!" any time they mention them? How often do you hear accounts designed to raise your rage levels when thinking about them? I'm not saying they aren't doing rotten things somewhere somehow. But they sure get a lot of traction screeching through Americanists' psyches from people who work very hard to make it that way. And it isn't just a few media outlets spewing icky things.

It is an elaborately constructed, tightly managed System operating for millennia doing precisely what it is supposed to do.

Thing is, the biblical metaphor is exactly the same. Herod and his family for whom John's head was presented was there only because Caesar said he could be. Herod had no power except to the extent Caesar said he did.

Same with ISIS. They have power, but only because today's Caesar says so.

Makes for a grand show, really.

Of course people die, and people cower.

That's kind of the point.


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