The Death of the Algorithm

Today I came across this piece in the Washington Post, and it kind of surprised me. I'd been seeing all this stuff about how great Bitcoin is and will be and let's all jump on the digital currency bandwagon and all our economic lives will be perfectly delightful all the time.

Now some have come to see the reality of its lethal inadequacies.

The problem is that the author of the piece is still an entrenched World inhabitant, believing if we just got at the algorithm, or, really, I should say The Algorithm, then all our economic lives will be perfectly delightful all the time.


Not surprised mind you. It is typical folly, I understand. I have nothing against any kind of currency, digital or otherwise -- these are just convenient tools to help with financial affairs. It's all good.

The problem is that people are deaf, dumb, and blind to the real issue. Oh, when I tell you what it is you'll say "Yeah yeah, I know that." When I tell you the solution, you'll say "Yeah yeah I know all about that now get outta here."

Huh. Too bad. Deaf dumb blind people won't find what they think they're looking for. When they write fine but ridiculous pieces that keep screeching "IF WE JUST HAD THE ALGORITHM THEN EVERYTHING'D BE GREAT DAMMIT" they look even more pathetic. And when they join up with millions of smart, educated business-oriented types to incessantly blither all this, damn, that's just frightening.

More smart, educated but deaf dumb blind people staying moored to the World.

But again, sorry, no worries. The World will always be filled with useful idiots who can't even fathom the truths I'm sharing here. I get that. I still do this because maybe there are some who'll read this, or just start to want to be able to see and hear so they'll find The Answer.

The reason the economic world is so benighted is much of what the WaPo piece said. Not hard really: People are assholes. Every single one of them. Me too. I don't do asshole things because the exchange apparatus allows me to, I do asshole things because I can manipulate the system and I can exploit its weaknesses and I can't help but commit acts of human sacrifice to enrich myself with the enablement of other powerful people doing the same thing.

It's my heart that is the problem.

There are two antidotes to the heart problem.

One is the law. Caesar ruthlessly enforces that, except against the people who keep him in power, the rent-seekers who manage to grab a hold of much of the value extraction gravy. Thing is, following the law will only get you some comfort here, in this life. Indeed it isn't much at that, because all the law does is interminably condemn. Ouch. Never mind that someone steeped in his or her sin is living with the greatest pain anyway. It isn't the law that is the issue, it is the asshole-ness. It is still hell, and will be for eternity unless this basic issue is addressed.

The way out is Jesus Christ. Really, in reality, you saying to Him, "Get me outta this. Have me be merciful like You." No, don't shuffle off to some minion of Caesar you think'll make it better for you. Sometimes those people are church people who attend assemblies with 501c3 contracts -- they're just as much in Caesar's service as anyone. No, it is Him, your humble commitment to Him, what He did on the cross, and His Kingdom.

Go ahead, shrug this off. Go ahead and say idiotic things like, "Oh, that's just not for me, that's just not my religion, I'm just not into that fairy tale stuff, that's all good for you and I'm happy for you." Go ahead.

And keep worshiping The Algorithm.

Go ahead. You look like someone slavering at finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I see you there, you look silly, if you'll excuse me for saying. Yeah, you're not the only one. The WaPo writer is too. The Bitcoin guy who bailed on his own invention is. The blockchain people are and everyone who think that's the answer. Every single person maniacally trying to find something that'll work.

They won't look at their own heart, though.

I wrote a lot about this here. I've written about all this in other places at my webzine, would love for you to look around there. Let me know what you think, would be happy to hear from you.

I just want you to not be deaf and blind anymore.

And be able to see and hear

Because of Him.


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