The World System's Resolutions for You: Don't Be Extreme and Don't Be Too Big To Fail

It's a new year and everyone seems to have renewed commitments to be better in some way.

This year the most prominent System operatives continued to pound down the things you should do so they'll like you.

In September Pope Francis told Congress, and by default all good Americanists, that they should not be too extreme about things. Avoid "extremism" he said, in so many words. Hmm. I wonder. Does he believe in that sentiment extremely? Is he not an extremist in avoiding extremism?

No, what the pope really means is "Don't believe in things we say you're not supposed to believe." One of the most brilliantly insidious things Rome does is convince people not to believe in God. I know that sounds counter intuitive -- I mean aren't Catholics all about God? Yeah, but not the God of reality. They have their own god, one showcased by the most spectacular religious institutions to drive people away from the true God.

The other day I saw an opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times from a woman who essentially wrote, "I don't believe in God but I enjoy the festivities of the Christmas season." It was lyrical, eloquent, smarmy, and completely idiotic. She regaled us with the ways all the atheist-minded folks gather and do fun quasi-spiritual things together.

I wonder, how do atheists know there is no God? See, they don't even they think through that. Radio talk show blabber Dennis Prager brought this up. Paraphrased, but for the most part it was: "I have one question for the atheist: 'Could it be that you're wrong?' If he/she says 'Yes', I have more respect for them, they may be revealing they're open to the truth. If he/she says 'No', I have nothing but pity for them. They are foolishly resigned to no meaning, no foundation for truth or reality."

As I thought about it, I don't even think atheists even think of it terms of "Yes" or "No". I don't even think they admit they don't know -- agnostics are just as foolish as atheists, but that's a different discussion.

No, what is it that 97% of atheists say?

"I don't even care. Your considerations of God are not even in the realm of my thinking."

And I only think of Cain, sent out from the presence of God forever. No wonder so many just don't even come within a million light-years of getting it. No wonder all you hear is the brazen bleating "I don't even understand what you're talking about."

I happen to catch a sentence written in Tim Keller's latest book about the truth of God or something like that. Peeked at it at Barnes and Noble. I generally don't read too much of a book because I haven't bought the book, but sometimes I'll peek at one thing inside just to see what the take is in a sentence or two. Here's the sentence I happened to read. It was something like, "There is no irrefutable proof of God, but his hand prints are something something." I don't know what he wrote after that, I'd seen enough.

Tim Keller is respected like crazy around modern-day Christendom. But frankly, what he wrote there is tremendously stupid. There are thoroughly irrefutable proofs of God's existence and His activity in the lives of people everywhere. But you know? I understand why Keller wrote that. It is because he's been trained well by the deep politics World Operatives to say that. He's been trained to consider the only things that qualify as proof are things science says in the ways authorized scientists say it supposed to be.

So yeah, if you don't believe what we say you are to believe (the World Op tells the visible power players to say to the spiritually ignorant) then you're an extremist liable to prosecution of some kind.

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said in one of the little watched Democrat debates that he's going to go after anything that is "Too Big To Fail". Don't we know about that. 2008. Banks and financial institutions like AIG just too damn big to keep rent dumpers from dumping more bazillions into the hands of the power players who suck value extractees dry.

How eeevil are those too-big-to-fail-ers. No, it isn't that they're too big. It's that too many people have their paws in the pot and want to make sure their take of the booty isn't jeopardized. Sanders is a darling to millions of imbecilic young adults because they want him to use the power of Cain to make sure they get to have their paws in the pot.

Sanders and his useful idiots screech "All large powerful institutions, whether political, financial, or commercial are too big to fail." What will Sanders do when he becomes too big to fail? When he appropriates seven-fold power to crush the wealth-augmenters in this country in favor of the newly victimized class? Never mind that he won't win the presidency -- he doesn't have a chance -- the actual reason he's there is for him to be a useful idiot so the more moderately looking Hillary Clinton can become president so she can do exactly the same things -- only with a bit more lipstick spread around on it.

That's Cain's legacy for you though. Proud city administrators making the city bigger and brighter and bolder. I'm not against cities at all. I like having lots of people around.

The city can't save your soul, however.

It can only mitigate the effects of your sin.

What'd Jesus say?

"Be extreme. Be extreme about your love, your mercy, your gentle but authentic righteousness, your rich expression of truth and grace represented by your self-sacrifice because your Lord was extreme giving His life for yours."

He didn't say it exactly that way, but it is clear Jesus is great with your extremism. Extremism for the Kingdom is the only meaningful kind. Milquetoast people will be spit out of His mouth.

What about too big to fail? Jesus said be so big you can't fail. But being big means you'd give the full measure of your value to sow into the lives of others. That's pretty big. Give it up, and get your soul, held in God's hands for eternity. Keep trying to protect yourself and excuse yourself from believing on Him? You lose everything.

I'm really just sharing all this because I want to introduce my latest home page piece. In doing so I'm fascinated with Psalm 110. You know the most quoted verse in the New Testament is the first verse there? It's so much about God being very extreme and very big about how much He holds on to His Kingdom. All other kings and all other nations will be squashed.


I don't hate people who proudly write about their atheism or religiously follow the precepts of the System church or rigorously champion socialism in all its forms. They're blind and deaf ignoramuses, yes, but the real enemies are the principalities who infect them with these ideas. I liken them to cordyceps, fungi that work their way into insects and kill them in order to feed on their corpses and spread their spores.

Quite an apt metaphor, if you ask me.

Those poor insects should be pitied -- just as people who take in ideas that kill them should be loved too.

So my desire is to love them and share a bit about how they're being infected.

And how they may have healing and salvation and life from the Only One Who Has It.


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