Seminar on Wickedness

My friend Ben Bush has a fine Facebook site Politics of Heaven and yesterday he had a fine take on the mass firings of top personnel at Baylor, an erstwhile Christian university that is said to be Christian of some sort.

I was particularly taken by the magnitude of what is going on around the nation at campuses of all ideological stripes, this event was merely a symptom of what has been going for decades: the transformation of institutions of higher learning into breeding grounds for wickedness beyond the pale.

The sexual assault crisis is merely a part of that. For years now college administrators have been pulling their hair out wondering what they could do to rein in the effects of the sexual revolution. California has even passed a sexual consent law (other states may have these too, I am just not aware that they do) which declares some kind of meaningful consent must be issued before a sexual encounter may occur. It has whimsically been called the "No means no" law, and it is indeed a joke.

Colleges now are inundated with sexual assault complaints and are throwing up their arms about what they can do about it. Because the administrators/coaches at Baylor did not do enough, at least by virtue of what the board thought, they got fired.

But what of it?

What would you do about it?

As it is, there is one sure-fire way to end the problem right now. Make it a criminal offense to engage in sexual activity before marriage. If you engage in any sexual activity outside of the marriage bed, it is a criminal offense. Establish a law that respects the principle of Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5, and Ephesians 5:31.

That's the yes means yes and no means no principle that has been around forever.

Ahh, yes, but will that happen? Of course not. Too many people worship at the altar of lascivious sexual activity, grounded in a fully entrenched humanist mentality, so devoted are they to these gods that this will never happen -- at least not anytime soon. Just looking at that, "a law against sex" as it would be considered -- Too oppressive! Too autocratic! Too draconian! Come on this is the 21st century!

And please note, I'm not in favor of a law like that to put a bunch of people in jail, I'm in favor of a law like that because that law brings condemnation so people will see their wickedness in bright bold colors.

Then they can seek out a rescue from such death, and that rescue is Jesus Christ. He is where there is freedom, joy, peace, healing, wholeness, salvation, mercy -- all that.

Thing is, in the name of "tolerance" and "open-mindedness" and "civil rights protections" and all that other foolish casuistry, Caesar will still put in place extraordinarily draconian laws to govern the things they think are subject to prosecution. What do you think would happen to me if I should truly form a legitimate movement to outlaw sex-outside-of-marriage which would include the strict prohibition of aberrant forms of sexuality like homosexual acts?

What do colleges already have in place to prohibit that speech activity?

Safe zones and trigger warnings and microaggression classifications and so on and so on. If I'm not actually prosecuted I will certainly be completely marginalized, and this would involve inflicting tremendous hardship on my livelihood.

And what if I were to boldly share the gospel in vibrant, articulate ways -- speak about Jesus as the only way of escaping all this crap? That's a hate crime also, because of the criminal microaggressing against other beliefs systems considered just as valid.

They come strong against their straw-man Jesus, and can't see how the real Jesus is their only hope.


Still, followers of Christ can pray.

Maybe, just maybe the abject horror of this whole situation will sink in deep among so many that there may just be some critical number of individuals who will see Christ for Who He Is, and turn to him.

As I put this post together, I can't help but think about the insane irony of all this. A sexual consent law is already a law against sex outside of marriage. Really. Think about it. A sexual consent law is already giving Caesar the power to govern your sexual affairs, in whatever way that is. Indeed his is the law that is specifically targeted at putting you in jail for violating it. That law already is announcing to the world that sexual immorality is a horrifically destructive thing.

The key is that unable to see Christ and the freedom therein, most people believe Caesar is the only individual who may be their savior, so droves and droves writhe about in the most pathological rent-seeking to get his "loving and caring" government to favor their intractable wickedness. It involves power and money and tribalism and a lively adherence to postmodernist philosophy.

The answer?

The Kingdom.

It is the contrast to the World with its oppressive and draconian laws and bylaws, perfectly legitimate to execute justice as it must. The Kingdom has marriage blessings, the World has sexuality classification obsessions destroying the richly transcendent value of men as men and women as women.

And it isn't just some nebulous thing called "the Kingdom". It is the myriad followers of Christ authentically being the Kingdom to those who see the World for what it is and want, yes, for the 57,000th time...



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