The Kingdom Think Tank, Part II

In my last post I brought up a few more items happening in the financial world that ever-so expose the benighted state of the world and the System provocations that engorge it.

Right after I'd posed questions about the whys and wheretofores regarding negative interest rates and large cash denomination removal recommendations, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump blithered on about what he would do with the United States financial footing once he's in the executive office.

Essentially, Trump said he's going to spend gobs of borrowed money to make America great again, ya-da ya-da, and if the U.S. economy tanks, well, he'll just "make a deal."


Lots of financial prognosticator economic brainiac pundit types went off on what this or that means regarding bonds and Treasuries and interest rates and reserve currencies and on and on and on. What Trump's blapitude does mean certainly is one key thing.

World inhabitants are worth waaay less than everyone is trying to make them out to be.

Trump seems to feel that he's such a big shot in bad-ass deal-making that he can just tell someone like China, "Hey, lend us money, but if we're really more crappy than you think, then we'll just give you a reeeally nice haircut."

Ahem. I can't see how this isn't a presidential candidate that a whole grip of people will vote for telling one of the other military superpowers in the world to just go to war with us. Go ahead, "make my day."

Oh but yeah, there's the 14th amendment, which says we can never default on our debt. Thing is, what does that mean if we simply don't have the capacity to make good on our promise? I guess we can cut a deal. Annnd -- that's what Donald Trump is for!

Thing is, now there're negative interest rates screaming we're worthless, there're calls for cash removal screaming we're worthless, and now the brazen announcement we're not good for our debts is screaming we're worthless.

What about the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing policy ad nauseum? That's nothing other than buying up shit no one else wants to try to prove it's not really shit. That kind of screams people are kind of shit. Um, reference my latest home page piece where Jared Vennett in The Big Short calls it nothing other than dogshit. There ya go.

How about this recent thing with the Panama Papers? You know, the revelations that rich powerful people are socking their dough in offshore accounts by the trillions. And not just rich and powerful people but rich and powerful political people -- so what kind of "rent-seeking" is going on there?

And then there are all the rich and powerful companies that are themselves sitting on trillions of dollars in cash. Ya know? I wonder where all that money is. Really. Where? I read somewhere that a lot of it is just being used to buy up real estate, something in which they can hold the value somehow, someway. They sure aren't investing it in anything. Why? Really, what is there to invest in?

I'm convinced these companies aren't spending the money because they don't see anything worthwhile to invest in.

There was a recent piece I glanced at, I think it was Time magazine about Larry Summers and his blithering, and the question was asked, something like, "Why is deflation always hovering about?" They gave all the standard economically erudite responses, but I know why.

It is because all these people with gobs of money know they can't hide, information technology has prevented them from keeping in the shadows. It is too easy to see what a loser you are, so the money is simply not getting out there! Money is just being hoarded because of the terrific fears of being found out.

While I confess I am just a mild-mannered Economics teacher, I'd love to get deeper into all this

from a Kingdom perspective.

Oh how I want to do that. But who has that? What institution of higher education is not a 501c3 non-profit of some sort? What think tank knows about Christ and believes fully on Christ to the extent that it would dare to have in its employ scholars and lawyers and business managers who would actually articulate the truths that every dollar spent is an investment in someONE and that the World does "investing" through human sacrifice and that a Kingdom organization fully abandoned to Christ can never fear.

And that followers of Christ would do miracles in the lives of all around drawing people in droves to God and the truest riches one could ever have.

Yes, there is truly only one reason I blog and webzine and all the rest of it, and that is to draw people to Christ who is The Salvation and The Joy and The Eternal Life and The Mercy and Grace and Wonder.

I bring up things for people to think about here, and in my webzine.

I just pray it can all emanate from a bold, smart, courageous Kingdom think tank, I really do. I don't for a second decide who's worthful or not, I just see what people are doing and what it means. I just read Scripture and see what it says about the human condition...

and of course what God does in His love.


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