The Big Troll, Part II

Recently some news has been coming out that this vicious new Congresswoman widely known as AOC has gotten a bit of negative attention about something questionable her main handler did with some money. This is the woman who is generally ridiculed for having a noticeable dearth of functioning brain cells, yet there are quite a few who through the tears of laughter still wonder how in the world she could possibly be getting the rock star attention she does.

What has been happening behind the scenes may also help explain why she is so vicious.

See, this webzine ministry commitment has always been to follow not as much the money but rather the handlers, that is, those who really work the ones most visibly shoved out in the mainstream to vibrantly sustain Cain's legacy. It is a bit more of a task to look beyond them to their handlers, but it can be done. Ultimately you'll always get to those doing work in the Society of Jesus, composed of the authorized World Operatives using seductive ruses and hypnotic compulsions to shape the sentiments of those who require their services.

This brand spankin' new Congresswoman, who but a year ago was tending bar, has been able to brazenly threaten recalcitrant fellow party members with expulsion through calculated 2020 primary election challenges -- oh my. How did she suddenly get this massive amount of sway? It isn't enough that the New York Times is showcasing her as the next Martin Luther King Jr -- even her most ardent fans know better.

No, the secret is in the identity of her main handler. His present occupation is this woman's chief of staff -- already we know that he is the AOC Whisperer... every powerful person's chief of staff is one. He is a Harvard-educated tech genius who is already a millionaire from doing tech stuff -- it is through more and more advanced communication technology augmenting the dreck pouring through social media and other such information transfer platforms into the souls of young people today that make the devil's work today so much easier. They are being devoured by the millions, and people like this handler get filthy rich in the discarded offal. My latest webzine piece gets into this a bit more.

We also find that this gentlemen has been instrumental in propelling a number of mass web media political enterprises all about installing full socialism and racialism into the American mainstream. Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress are two notable ones. Each one is committed to using ferocious pressure tactics to gain compliance to the most radical leftist agenda items in any and all legislative offices.

The Big Troll is all about the propaganda and pressure to get enough attention to these exciting items of mass destruction that no matter how much they are sneered and shouted at, they will ultimately be embraced -- much because detractors will be made to look like bigoted buck-toothed Neanderthals. I don't know, I just happened to see the most industrious Bolsheviks in the Russian legislature turning the tide on behalf of the intrepid Lenin, eventually, establishing a lasting socialist paradise for all peoples everywhere.

Please do not misunderstand what I'm saying here. This blog post may seem like yet another raging protestation among the livid conservative voices. Nah. That stuff is really pointless, as incisively instructive as some of it is. All that plap is just part of the game. As I mentioned in my last post for those not quite as keen on the uptake, the United States of America is already socialist and racialist as all get-out. Indeed this is one reason The New Socialists are so bold -- they know who it is from whom they get their charges. They look at the American landscape and already see nauseatingly obsequious politicians bending waaay over to ensure the socialist paradise is splendidly erected here.

Think Social Security and Medicare is a good thing? You may! Most elderly people do, millions of them. Sorry, but these two budget busters are the most socialist programs you could ever get. "Oh but we put money into it when we worked!" Yeah, sure. That doesn't change the fact that it is still fully, wholly, wickedly socialist. Any and all other government transfer payment programs from food stamps for the lowest-income earners to the corporate subsidies for the highest-wealth hoarders are so no matter how much you think any of them are ever-so special.

All are still socialist through-and-through.

Here's the thing.

That's the way Cain's agency works.

Don't fight it. Don't screech about it. Don't get all hot and bothered about it.

It is precisely what it is supposed to be by virtue of God's ordination declared somewhere between six-to-ten millennia ago. You can read about it in the best history book of all, the Bible, right there in the fourth chapter of Genesis. Cain was the first human sacrificer and as such God sent him out to build a city in which he could do grand works of human sacrifice for the expressed purpose of being his brother's keeper. Look at most cities today -- how about those just in the United States. Murder, sexual assault, drug overdoses among so many other devastating crimes never stop ravaging those places -- looks like human sacrifice to me.

What perfect opportunities for great beaming knights to come to the rescue -- Cain is fully on board with getting brand new congresspersons and democracy-minded justice-warriors in place to do more human sacrifice for the glorious cause of equality and fraternity and liberty and... hmm, that sounds kind of like what they bellowed before they started chopping off people's heads in France one time... hmm, not sure, but it sounds like it.

Again --

This is what the holders of Cain's legacy do.

AOC and her handlers are doing fine work, they are.


Don't want to be in and around all that?

There is one thing you can do.

One thing.

That's it. Only one, and if you've lived your life being indoctrinated by Cain's mandarins from any and all levels of the teaching hegemony, you may struggle with grasping what that is, but I'll share it with you anyway.

Jesus Christ.

Please, careful with what you do with Him. You may certainly come to Him in humility offering a brief sincere prayer. But many think they've got Him when they only have a straw-man Jesus. There are so many. Why do you think the ones who fabricate them call their order the Society of Jesus? Don't fret, it's their legitimate job, give them credit for doing it well.

But if you want to come to The Original, you'll find a totally different world, indeed it is a Kingdom. There you will find deliverance and forgiveness. Mercy and forbearance. Gentleness and joy.

Agape like you've never know, and the rapturous freedom from the oppressive World you've allowed to contaminate everything good you'd love to enjoy.

Yes, it is fun to rage and rail and holler and rage some more whichever side of the culture war you enlist to raise your blood pressure and bring you an early death.

Might be good to have The Savior when that happens.


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