The Big Troll

Often enough a major motion picture release is a splendid metaphor for the way real life is. One such film was Bird Box. With the notion that most have already seen it or at least have an idea about its basic premise, I'm going ahead and sharing that the protagonists must wear blindfolds for the simple reason that the world has been taken over by some kind of soaring demons who when gazed upon cause such distress that the beholder must commit suicide.

Oh wow.

How much that is like the way things really are in today's real world.

And ya know? It hasn't really been that much different throughout all of humankind's contemptibly benighted history. So very very many see what the devil has for them, they hypnotically adopt whatever it is, and at some point not too far into the future, they accordingly meet their unfortunate demise.

How many of those kinds of instances there are, but the latest is a doozy. It is what I call The Big Troll. Social media trolling is the practice of spouting about something for the expressed purpose of getting people riled up about it. Could be true, could be false, could even be unintentional, but the end game is enough readers or listeners to the given affront furiously tee off on the item or even the sender him/herself.

So The Big Troll? It is nothing other than this "Green New Deal." Introduced by a vicious new Congresswoman with the knowledge expanse of a 7th grader, the wisdom breadth of a squid, and the rockstar brilliance of a million suns, it is all about reshaping the entire globe into a socialist-climate alarmist paradise. To say it is a preposterous boondoggle is to insult preposterous boondoggles. The question must arise, how did any of this get shoved into the mainstream psyche?

Ah. Remember the theme of this post? Legitimate demonic activity influencing people to do ridiculously heinous things? And people getting a massively invigorating thrill watching people get really ticked off about something they posted somewhere somehow?

See, the Green New Deal was put out there specifically to first get bazillions of conservatives to rage and rail and holler against it, incessantly, interminably, relentlessly -- for the purpose of eventually getting recalcitrant members of the national legislature to bend enough to pass measures that aren't 100% socialist and climate alarmist, but maybe 82%.

"Whew," Republicans will squeak when the dust settles, "did we escape that one."

Never mind that we're already pretty much dead-in-the-water when it comes to socialism right now. All the government transfer payment programs there are -- the Social Securitys and Income Securitys and Medicares and Medicaids and Electronic Benefits Transfers and countless more. All the ways government supplants the things families and communities should be doing, health care and education and business acumen (how the corporate welfare and other subsidies flow so freely), even religion with 501(c)(3) requirements keeping most churches nothing more than personality cult god club activity centers. Many of even the once-stalwart Protestant churches are nothing more than wealth confiscation sodomy empowerment facilities.

You want to know something? It isn't even that the Green New Deal's core ideals are not noble and righteous. In many ways they are. Let's take care of the environment. Let's help out the genuinely exploited. Look at each of the recommendations and see the best in them -- they can actually be very good things.

And that we can't afford it? Nah. We could.


See, this is really the issue with anything like the Green New Deal, is that there is this rigidly calcified idea that any and all good and wholesome things must come from Caesar. He's all there is. It seems so unaffordable and unworkable because they're suggesting Caesar to do it all, and when that's been tried before to the extent the Big Trollers want, it has always ended in totalitarian catastrophe. On the other hand if we achieved those goals from the Kingdom, we could certainly do all the very best things in our lives and communities ourselves with our own charitable industry. But that would require we live and work and do so by Christ.

The real issue is these far-reaching recommendations come from powerful people mostly steeped in the richest Epicureanist philosophy -- that there is no God, that the material is all there is, that if you do believe in some divine being that's cool if it makes you happy but don't go around saying it's true or you'll be painfully marginalized -- and because these ideas come from them...

Caesar is all they know.

They know nothing of Christ who provides all good things and has rich vibrant interaction with those who call on His name and hear His voice and understand and glory in the bounty of His Kingdom. Caesar's attempt to replicate all that is woefully inadequate. But he must, it is his job. Furthermore the entire "Green New Deal" hysteria is promulgated by World Operatives in his service who are doing the work of Caesar's ecclesia, the Roman Catholic Church -- looking as if it is all into charity and equality and magnanimity. Look at the Big Trollers: smiling and nodding and virtue signalling their asses off promising that Caesar will take reeeally good care of you.

That's the thing that makes the Green New Deal philosophy so ravenously destructive. Oh it is perfect for Cain's legacy, please, don't get me wrong. Caesar and his crack team of operatives are deliberately making all this happen -- indeed the abject mess that is Washington D.C. right now was arranged years ago for just this moment. Get things to a point of irreversibly metastasized destabilization, and then gleefully draw the refugees into stronger devotion to the hegemony. What makes it that much scarier is all the people who think they're not under its crushing weight but are, being the wholesome dedicated Catholicists that they are.

The only escape from this body of death is Jesus Christ and seeking entry into His Kingdom, that's it. There is no other. He's the only one who is stronger than the strongest demon. Got to go with Him, or...

Better get those blindfolds on.



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