Walk for Life Epiphany Redux

There was a Walk-For-Life event we had planned to attend -- we'd even gotten a few pledges. We're not going mostly because we've had other things arise. I had actually wanted to go just to see what happened there, not as much to be a part of ending abortion.

These things don't end abortion.

They may even make it so there'll be more of them, at best there won't be any change. In the U.S. in 2017 there were about 900,000 abortions. In 2018 there were again about 900,000 abortions. How many Walk-For-Life events were there in that time? How many crisis pregnancy fundraising dinners were there? How many pro-life rallies and marches were there, in that given year's time period there?

And how come nothing changes?

In fact there are 40 million abortions every year worldwide. Did you get that number? 40 million babies die at the hands of their own mothers and fathers every year. When I look at that my heart breaks yet again.

I'm sure all the Walk-For-Lifers and crisis pregnancy center sponsors and pro-life marchers and even pundits and speakers the world 'round -- in a real sense I'm one of them blogging about it right now -- believe that their two-cent contribution will help. Honestly, I shouldn't be so cynical. Maybe a life was saved because of their efforts. Kudos to them for that, genuinely.

On the radio yesterday afternoon I heard an interview with a legislator of some sort, I didn't catch his name. From the way he spoke I believe he was a U.S. Congressman. He was beaming about how much support he received from his legislative colleagues about his preventing infanticide bill, you know the one, the "Keep the Baby Alive After a Botched Abortion Attempt" bill.

I couldn't hold it in any longer. I wept buckets right there in my vehicle, right there in the middle of traffic waiting for the stoplight to change. It wasn't at all tears of joy because they were finally getting around to this kind of thing, not at all.

They were tears of abject sorrow simply because we've allowed it to get that far. What kind of barbarians are we to get all giddy about this when already someone was already all-in on murdering a child about to be born anyway?

I know a lot of why. It is a truth so many slough off because they've been so hypnotized to twist their very souls in such a way as to refuse to believe it.

It is that so much of the U.S, indeed so much of the world has been thoroughly Catholicized. This is not necessarily a bad thing, because the Roman Catholic Church is the legitimate ecclesiastical authority for the most proper sin management. This is precisely why having so much anti-abortion stuff splashing about everywhere just brings more attention to the practice without really having any feasible constraints against it. All those proposed laws to to try to limit it?

They don't mean a lick if they don't meaningfully outlaw abortion from conception.

But the Roman Catholic Church is so in favor of this kind of thing? How can you say all this about the church?

Rome is only in favor of anti-abortion policy because it draws more attention to its leadership so people will pay more attention to their righteous crusade against it. As long as abortion is around, there is something really bad for them to fight against.

This isn't a bad thing necessarily! It is great for those who must have their sinfulness managed. That's precisely what the Roman Catholic Church is for. It was ordained by God for that very purpose -- you can read about it in the fourth chapter of the book of Genesis.

For those who want freedom from all that, as well as peace, joy, righteousness, mercy, grace, and the strength and wisdom to understand, comprehend, and authentically extend life to others including preborn children as well as their abortion-minded parents...

Jesus Christ is the one you want to talk to.


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