The New Normal is the Same as the Old Normal

This morning on the talk radio show I heard that 52% of the population are in favor of dissolving, dismissing, eliminating, forgiving all college student debt. 52%. More than half of the people in this country. Wow, how much people are absolutely clueless about the breadth of institutionalized theft they enthusiastically endorse. Indeed the usurious practices to begin with are just as exploitive, but not surprised so few really get it since so much of the populace is profoundly Catholicist -- that means they are given over to essential Roman Catholic doctrine no matter how unwittingly. Some of the most rabid atheists and rigid Protestants will scream bloody murder against such a thought, but, well...

Just look.

I just wanted to post here to introduce you to the latest Walter Veith presentation. Take a little while just to plug it into your ear pods, you don't even really have to watch it unless you want to read the material Veith presents that comes straight from the horse's mouth. Just listen while you go about your workday. But if you just take an hour or so to gather in the substance of the conversation, you'll get a full understanding of the difference between the World System and the Kingdom.

You'll note how the current new equity totalitarianism is forming and how even all the conservatively ideological even principled railings against it plays into the hands of the legitimate authoritative totalitarianists who've been doing the work Rome asks of them for centuries, for millennia. Its entrenched militant order proficiently executing its charges led by the finest Jesuits are today so good at what they do that those not well versed in Scripture -- indeed not immersed in asking Christ to fully be Lord and Savior over their lives and affairs -- cannot withstand their ruses and machinations, they simply cannot.

You may be surprised to discover how brilliantly the World tries to counterfeit the Kingdom. It's okay, by the way, for one to give himself over to the World, God gives him permission as clearly declared in the fourth chapter of Genesis. One needs either Caesar governing quite imaginatively as instructed by the Jesuits, or Christ who ultimately rules over all of it anyway but still gave His life for those who wish to live instead by the Spirit and truly enjoy peace, joy, love -- see more in the fifth chapter of Galatians.

Anyway, take some time and enjoy one of Veith's best expositions...


The photograph of Georgetown University was clipped from the Georgetown website itself.



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