Even More on the Vast and Wide-Reaching Religion of the Most Righteous Wokeist
I have to pound out a quick post just give you a heads-up on another article , this one from a gentleman over at The Libertarian Institute courtesy of ZeroHedge (the image is from that page as well, thank you to them) that boldly and articulately lays out the ironclad case that, yes, indeed, Everything is religion. Everything. There is nothing that isn't. Scientists today in the sworn service of Caesar -- quite authoritative, legitimate, and necessary -- are really just priests performing the liturgically mandated sacrificial duties of Cain's Legacy. They are so good! They are -- no one is saying they aren't! They do very good sciency kinds of things . But it is still religion, and it still involves human sacrifice. You can read all about how God set the whole thing in motion back there at the time of the fourth chapter of Genesis. He did it deliberately because He knew there would simply be some who would refuse to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. So Cain was given th...