Uploading the Conscience

Just wanted to post briefly to share an interesting piece from one of the top people at American Mind, apparently a transcript of his testimony at a congressional hearing. Still appealing to Caesar, typical. But the substance of what he said is worth noting.

He points out that many people believe The Algorithm will ultimately save us, and he warns against that idea. I'd written about this very thing several years ago here in this homepage piece at my webzine. What I'm sharing isn't anything novel for those who're paying attention. And there're hundreds of takes on all this stuff out there -- What does AI really mean today? kinds of things. They're everywhere. They pretty much say the same thing -- maybe they'll try to be really edgy, sound prophetically insightful. That's cool.

The interesting thing about this particular writer's piece is in this quote: "Rather than trying to upload our consciousness to the cloud, our new cyborg theocrats have begun by uploading our conscience."

Hmm. I really don't think he, nor many others, fully realize that the one God sent from His presence to administer the affairs of the city many millennia ago, has already been charged with that task. He's been doing it for centuries, already. No advanced communication technology necessary. Oh the algorithm and blockchain and any other digitized information transmogrifying apparatus there is or may come to be may make that a bit easier, but really...

All you have to do is get people to swear undying allegiance to Cain's Legacy and they're yours. It is the System managed at the top by The Society, the organization with the skill, training, wherewithal, and most importantly the devotion to their superior to govern the affairs of anyone who doesn't seek to dwell in the Kingdom. They've been uploading consciences to the System since the very first human sacrifice.

The devout Caesar detractor continues to bleat about how much more democracy we need to fix this -- as he beseeches the autocrat to stop doing what he must always do anyway. Funny, he appeals to Bitcoin's potential to be a crucial part of the rescue effort when, ahem, crypto is about as cyborg fascist as you can get. 

They nod with an assuring smile while he continues to screech about the threat of the "theocracy," except that it is much more of an ecclesiocracy, government by the divinely ordained religious powerhouse charged with managing the sinful behavior of a populace who ask them to do it -- but very imaginatively and not-too-painfully thank-you-very-much.

The only way out is to go in to the Kingdom through the Narrow Gate that is Jesus Christ.


The image is from the website ieee.org of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 



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