We Have Been Past the Point of No Return for Millennia

One of the things that has fascinated me is how so many people around the globe could be carrying out the exact same foolishness related to this Covid thing. Someone in Austria is expressing the exact same sentiment as someone around the corner from where I live. "Wear a mask - get vaxxed - stay home or you'll kill someone!"

How could all these people who've
never met one another have the exact same viscerally gripping conception?

A couple posts ago I wrote about being past the point of no return on this thing. After spending some time in prayer and Scripture, as well as just looking at what is going on out there right now, I've realized the point of no return occurred around six millennia ago when Cain murdered Abel and God sent Cain away but told him to run the city that would do all of what you are seeing today.

What you are seeing everyone doing is nothing different than what people did in their devotion to Cain and their service in his city millennia ago. It is just the names and places and a bit of the communication technology is different.

A little while ago I came across this web piece, a very fine one about the totalitarian nature of this "Great Reset." The video there, linked at Rumble, is a good one too, and the dude who made it refers to the coming technocratic hellscape as "turnkey" totalitarianism, meaning everything is in place -- all System mandarins need to do is switch it on. Then fughedabouditt. It's a done deal. 


It's been fully totalitarian from Day One. It is just there are periods, much like it has been over the past 200 years or so in this country, that we've enjoyed some widespread feelings that we are free in that U-S-A patriotic constitutional sort of sense, something that has been bleated loudly through the airwaves quite a bit over the course of the past year or so. "We're going to lose our freedoms YIKES!"

Thing is, I've come to realize that in some very profound ways, what the totalitarianists are doing is no different than what God does with His Kingdom. He too won't let anyone in, He's pretty ticked off at the sinfulness we regularly try to smother with many imaginative niceties. No, no place for that in His establishment, He's got bouncers ready to bounce -- but it won't be because the wannabe guests aren't wearing a mask.

It is because they are not wearing the wedding clothes He gave them. Those clothes were offered to anyone who'd recognize the only way they may have them is to appropriate into the depths of their being what Jesus, the Son of God, did on Calvary. Only by Jesus' blood can we be "clothed in His righteousness" and be allowed to enter through the narrow gate.

What Caesar is doing is exactly what God is asking him to do. Fulfill God's charge to Cain to manage the affairs of those who refuse to enter by that narrow gate. What the new totalitarianism is doing is exactly what the old totalitarianism is doing. Up and down the wide road that leads to destruction are hundreds of different enticing storefronts, and the proprietors from Hell are happy to let you shop there -- mask, no mask, vax, no vax -- all allowed by a God who shows them to you in all their infernal ugliness so you may turn and seek Him and His path.

I only share a few of these thoughts because I've posted my latest home page piece, one that gets a bit into the fact that each of us responds to these truths as members of particular groups of people. Everyone has behaved in these ways for all of those millennia -- even Jesus' disciples who were vibrantly trusting in God ("His faith was reckoned to him as righteousness") before Jesus even walked on the earth.

I believe it goes a long way to answering the question that started this blog post.


The image is from Lisi Niesner at Reuters and was snipped from the CGTN website.



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