More Pre-Born Children Condemned to Death
Today that expected Supreme Court ruling was finally announced. Roe v. Wade was overturned. In a 5-4 ruling the states have now been awarded the decision about what they want to do with murdering pre-born children. Some will allow it, some won't. Many of the pre-born human beings are now condemned to death in those 20 or so states that will now strengthen their pro-abortion statutes. This means, really... The decision today is now worse for those pre-born children . A number of major companies have already announced that they will provide in some cases up to $4,000 in expenses for a woman and a companion to travel to a state that allows abortion if the state where she works does not. A number of other provisions are in place in the states prohibiting abortion that water down the real meaning of a real law that fully protects the life of a pre-born human in every instance from conception through pregnancy. So what difference does it make? All the squawking about it you'll hear ...