The Lethal Culture War is Getting More Lethal

Tonight on a television news talk show was a clip of US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg making the claim -- in spiffily rhetorical overtones, but very clear nonetheless -- that solving the country's problems with outdated infrastructure and air travel cancellations and auto travel congestion and of course racism and climate change was for women to be sure their now endangered reproductive rights were not under any threat that they'd be in danger or anything.

In other words, we can have more road space and better energy usage and yada yada if there were simply fewer people out there making it all so darned crowdy and women can help by having those abortions they want to have.

Is anyone with the tiniest brain cell -- or really, the microscopicest heart cell -- seeing how this is simply more rationalization for the human sacrifice Caesar is asked to carry out as a matter of practice? It is harrowing that there are so many now with no conception of Scriptural truths and as such are all in on the reducing-the-population program as a humane act -- even amongst their wretched virtue-signaling about how much they're doing for "the people" and "the planet."

I can't help but share this photograph I took of Jonathon Borofsky's sculpture outside the Edward R. Roybal Federal Building in Los Angeles. It is called "Molecule Man," and I can't help but think about how much that title does not bring any comfort about what the US government-banking cartel-Romanist ecclesiastical nexus of the most ruthless condemnation is all about. Does this mean a human is "atoms, void, and nothing else" as Epicurus told us a bit over two millennia ago to try to make us feel a bit better about our impending doom?

Thing is any such artistic work such as this one prominently displayed as it is on federal institution grounds must be considered some kind of iconographic signature of its purposes, and this sculpture really does just look like some dudes fighting with each other and the holes -- well, use your imagination as the country's imagination is now so horrifically consumed with whether or not whoever or whomever or whichever should have a loaded firearm in their possession.

It is going full-bore now, the boreholes the culture warriors want to put in the bodies of any they dislike. I've heard "freedom of speech no-matter-what" voices screech that words are not violence. Incorrect my friend. There is just as much emotional and spiritual violence spewed about as anything, and it should be called out. Jesus said as much when he spoke about that which comes out of the heart can be wickedly evil. That wanting murder is as bad as actually doing it. That from the mouth comes death or life -- that is in Proverbs by the way, 18th chapter to be exact.

The trick is, are you calling it out from the World System, which has hundreds of wild and crazy ways for condemners to make a grand living beating the shit out of each other in whatever ways they can -- government, church, megacorporation, college, media outlet, interest group, arbitrage office -- they all do it, all enlisted as condemners so they interminably punch it out then get filled with bullet holes. And often they are the physical ones.

Or are you speaking from the Kingdom grace and mercy and truth and Word and peace and joy and righteousness and salvation into the lives of those racked by this gruesome body of death so they may know Life.

The System is steaming along with its human sacrifice operation. It can't do anything but, and does so because that is what it is supposed to do. What Mr. Buttigieg said is just that typical boasting about what The Society is doing to carry out its duties as it must. Get a grip, you're dying in the next minute. So is everyone else. Doesn't mean we can't spend that minute as living sacrifices sharing Christ with as many as we can -- that's the very best thing you can be doing right now.

This means, really then, the question: There is going to be sacrifice. You're either going to hook up with the World for lots of ugly other-sacrifice -- because, you know, eating drinking and being merry for as long as I can have it is most important dammit and anyone in my way gets wrecked...and I'll get as much government as I can to get me that.

Or you can be doing self-sacrifice --  genuinely loving others with the love Christ had, and if you know just a liiitle bit of the story you know what He did at the end of His earthly life.

It is one or the other. You can choose, God lets you.

By the way, just a heads-up, I put up another of my brief monographs of sorts sharing a bit more about the contrast between the Kingdom and the World over at my webzine, thanks.

The meme with Bugs was pulled off the Starecat meme site, thank you.


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