Know About the Catholicist Nation and Know Freedom

I was listening to a recent podcast by Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason while doing some yard work today and he generally does a fine job of elucidating biblical principles and logical truths. In this one he addressed concerns about someone who made the following statement, I assume it was in a tweet:

"It is an act of love to abort a brown child rather than give it to white evangelical parents."

Greg was aghast and did the standard apologetic about abortion and so forth... but then he could still only conclude with simple dismay and resignation about the woeful terribleness of this idea.

Sad, because if he truly knew how much the Jesuit Order through its vast communication network has convinced so many that "Christian" = Roman Catholic Ecclesiastical Body with Fully Exerted Seven-Fold Retributive Force, he and anyone with any insight would see that in the eyes of this tweeter "white evangelical" is merely that force embodied in the "white imperialist heteropatriarchal hegemony full of judgmentalism hypocrisy homophobia and a nasty record of enslaving people of color."

To them, the straw-man figure "white evangelical" is exactly the same as "Nazi tyrannical bunny-licking serial killer." Thing is the people who put that idea into her head as well as the heads of millions of others have done so very deliberately.

In a recent piece by Dan Gelernter over at American Greatness, he speaks about how is it that a raging disaffected youth such as the one who murdered those school children in Uvalde, Texas could have possibly done what he did without the help of someone.

Much of his piece is the standard "You'll pry this AR-15 from my dead, cold hands" stuff, but then at the end of it he says this. Kind of amazing, actually, that this question is broached.

You’d be a fool not to be concerned about school shootings. But you’d be equally foolish not to ask yourself who benefits from school shootings, and who is actually causing them. These kids don’t get the ideas themselves, and they don’t teach themselves how to shoot AR-15s. They don’t learn gun handling from video games and they don’t learn it from their absent fathers. They’re disaffected, socially isolated, but that doesn’t make them school shooters—it just makes them ideal recruits. Someone is recruiting them, teaching them, running them. Someone is killing America.

Huh? Did you catch that? In his concluding paragraph he restates the question, quote (and in his own italics!) "Who is that someone?"

So yeah. Who is "recruiting them, teaching them, running them"? Is Mr. Gelernter and anyone who is actually turning to peek at the rabbit hole willing to go down deep enough into that thing, far enough to see who's actually doing it? Sure lots of people think they have the answer citing mainstream media toadies or extreme leftist political ops or even some mysterious Satanist cult Svengali somewhere, I guess, and those certainly are conduits of sorts.

Are Mr. Koukl and those still heeding the subtle System distractions going to stop being so furiously mystified when most times he articulately and calmly gets it and shares a wonderfully biblical take? As it is here he so stridently dismisses the overarching, sinister, yet divinely assigned power the deepest ops of Rome have to legitimately carry out these massive ruses on a global scale (global = universal = catholic) much because he won't say anything about it because it would compromise his ministry.

It'd seem most of his listeners and supporters are fiercely offended by what the tweeter posted. Of course! It is a horrific consideration! So horrific that I almost think the tweeter was trolling people like Mr. Koukl to get them to openly revile and rage and remonstrate against the ruthless hegemony that propels that demonic ideology. These radical leftist trollers do this to get true-believer evangelicals to demonstrate their own devotion to the hegemonic System itself that enslaves and oppresses and... yada yada -- precisely the point the tweeter is making.

Both sides reacting perfectly rationally. It is perfectly rational to enflame the culture war then enjoy the rage well up inside of you as you fight with the greatest emotional, spiritual, and at some point physical violence. Both sides revile yet at the same time labor to enlist the services of the World System to get what they want. The Radical Selfists are enraged their bodies and their choices would be taken from them and the Devout Romanists are enraged about infanticide to the extent of pushing the System to prosecute their fury. 

Perfectly, perfectly rational. Brilliantly, proficiently put into the Americanist psyche by the ops sworn to do that.

It is not righteous though, and it is not The Kingdom.

And think about all of it-- the child sacrifice, the racialist dogma, the manipulative trolling flooding communication technology... all the other conflagrationary eruptions -- times a billion. 

Then you've got the Book of Revelation.

I've shared a bit more about this at my webzine with my latest home page piece. Just blogging to introduce that, thanks for your readership.

But please. Seriously. Please don't take my word for it.

Please look at God's Word. Read Scripture. Read what He says about any of this. I don't want a single word I write in my webzine, my blog, anything to be anything that is not based on Truth and Grace. Let me know what you think, my email is at the webzine. Would love to hear from you. Would love to hear from any who do that one simple thing God Himself says we are more than welcome to boast about, right there in the ninth chapter of Jeremiah, that we understand and know Him. Know the reality of the catholicized nation and understand what it is about, in the most stark contrast to The Kingdom, to knowing Him -- that's the freedom.

Thanks, and bless you.


The photograph was by Fausto Biloslavo at Transterra Media in the Eurasianet news site, indeed featuring a Ukrainian fighter but from a piece in 2014. Thank you.



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