More Pre-Born Children Condemned to Death

Today that expected Supreme Court ruling was finally announced. Roe v. Wade was overturned. In a 5-4 ruling the states have now been awarded the decision about what they want to do with murdering pre-born children. Some will allow it, some won't.

Many of the pre-born human beings are now condemned to death in those 20 or so states that will now strengthen their pro-abortion statutes. This means, really...

The decision today is now worse for those pre-born children.

A number of major companies have already announced that they will provide in some cases up to $4,000 in expenses for a woman and a companion to travel to a state that allows abortion if the state where she works does not. A number of other provisions are in place in the states prohibiting abortion that water down the real meaning of a real law that fully protects the life of a pre-born human in every instance from conception through pregnancy.

So what difference does it make?

All the squawking about it you'll hear today, tomorrow, and for a few days afterwards -- as well as the violence many say will transpire -- is just pointless.

A few things briefly.

First, this has way less to do with abortion than it does with a massive reaction based on the now fully entrenched precepts of the Frankfurt School and its Critical Theory -- that women (among other notarized victims) are oppressed by the older white male patriarchy and all good soldiers must rally to the crusade against it. All of this is mostly about the vicious virtue-signaling that the rabidly progressive left must spew in its insecurity about its place.

Second, the Supreme Court decision with any real impact will only come when a man separated from his pregnant-but-abortion-minded wife goes to court to impede her intentions with the argument that that pre-born baby is indeed a full human being and should be ruled as such. Should the Supreme Court rule favorably in that case, abortion would be against the law in every state, protecting every pre-born human's life. This is much like the decision making all slaves free by virtue of the 13th amendment. Would the Constitution need to say that about the pre-born so it is explicit? Maybe.

Third, none of any of this matters right now anyway because hearts will still not be changed. How contemptibly heartless is it to first advocate for the murder of the pre-born, especially when a mother makes that decision, and then to think this Roe v. Wade ruling is not going to keep the baby slaughterhouse thriving. I weep for every baby, for every mother (and father!), and even for every powerful person encouraging abortion in any way such as those corporate executives who are funding travel for employees to go somewhere to murder their children.

There's more, of course.

For now, it's prayer time, and we need to be on our knees until they're raw for this one.


The image is from the Harvard Law Review blog. Thank you.



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