Summer Days Truth Rules

On my long summer walks I often see these small white butterflies flittering about. I thoroughly enjoy watching them and richly consider the majesty of God's creation whenever I do. It blows my mind that they do what they do, one of the most amazing is how they zip about and never bump into anything.

Have you every observed that? Really: never have I seen a butterfly zig-zag so maniacally and haphazardly and bump into any part of the bush or tree or anything around which it is zig-zagging. Never. Even when it is a bit windy and it appears their little bodies are frighteningly subject to being slammed against some other much more imposing inanimate structure, they still adroitly bob and weave and get exactly where they need to get.

I've even typed into the search engine this question, "Why don't butterflies bump into anything when flying?" Seems about as simple a question as I can make it, but the results are so far a grand total of zero. There was a lot of other stuff about butterflies, and of course on the Google search there were a number of things related to how evolution made this or that butterfly thing. Yeeah. 

I'm sure there is some decent answer somewhere from a fine lepidopterist somewhere, that's cool. But this question is answered nowhere in any prominent location.

To me this is just another demonstration of the truth that people generally do much less contemplation of the finer things in life than we may think. Yes, it is a discouraging thought, but I'm a pathological cynic. I'm no dismissive misanthrope, but dang.

Just read a fine piece -- just as discouraging mind you -- over at American Greatness that gets into this a bit, "The Murder of Wisdom?" it is called. I don't know why the author added the question mark, I guess he's thinking social media is right now murdering it and we'd better do something about it. True that, the social media thing -- it does make people much, much stupider -- but for millennia wisdom has always been lacking in those who refuse to see things from the Kingdom.

The Truth Rule is that for those same millennia the World has constructed an elaborate counterfeit plausibility structure if you will, one that substitutes just fine for those who refuse to see things with the mind of Christ. This isn't just the devil doing shit and we can all rage against him -- him and his evil grin and flaring nostrils and, and, and his cackling laugh, and, and, and whatever other ugly things about him we can hate. No, this is his religiously sworn minions in authoritative positions doing nothing except what they've been commissioned to do since the first murder recorded in history. You can read about it right there in the fourth chapter of Genesis. 

I thought about this in looking through a collection of Thomas Hart Benton's work, a wonderfully fascinating journey. I came across these prints in the section that showcased his own deep interest in Hollywood, and I simply could not help but think. This first one introduces us to the System Master, the Unknown Superior as Tupper Saussy calls him in his brilliant expose of the real powers behind the World... there he is, ingeniously designing the entire spectacular set piece of invigorating governance in the affairs of committed devotees.

This second print is its assembly, all the dutiful workers making sure it is erected juuust right, just right for optimal deception and maximum fidelity from the populace. Thing is there is a new show every week or so, so these guys are always on the job -- and what fun it is! Newer, more imaginative, exciting, even animating and enraging ways to draw people's attention to the things they believe will keep them hypnotized and rationalizing their reprobate behavior.

(By the way, if you do take a modest tour of Rulers of Evil, pay special attention to Chapter Nine, "Securing Confidence." There you'll find the tremendous usefulness of Hollywood to the Jesuit enterprise, something now amplified exponentially with social media. Here is my own take on Rome's Inter Mirifica.)

There is this last clip I saw from my Twitter surfing. Just pulled it down, I like it a lot, I thought I'd share it with you. There is so much I want to post in this blog, so many things, so much to share in what-is-really my ministry. This "meme" from Helen Keller, it is a good one. Funny, it is just a way to repeat the one Truth Rule Jesus said was most important. "Want to follow the law and be a decent individual? Love God and love your neighbor. That's it, really."

Not trying to be glib or anything, but that is what He said. And yes, there are different ways each person tries to love, yes, that's cool. So yeah, I myself don't want to obsess or scream too loudly about the devil and his good wholesome World Operative servants, but I do share those things so my readers may better understand the Kingdom things 180 trillion light years from the World things that look so splendid.

Then they might understand and know God...

And just as much why that butterfly was doing what it was doing precisely because God loves us as much as He does and He put it there just for you.


The photos of Benton's prints were mine, taken from the book American Epics. The Helen Keller meme was, again, just pulled from a tweet and I don't remember who posted it, forgive me.


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