It Is About the Children, But It's Probably Not What You Think

Last night I could not sleep, so for a bit I got up and did some web searching, but I was up during the time that Saturday Night Live was on the television, at least at the time it had been on in the past. Sure enough I'd noticed it was on at that time, from 11:30 to 1:00. I had not seen any part of an SNL show for many years, yet over those years I'd heard some things about it particularly related to its more controversial skits.

So last night I thought I'd take a peek, just to see what it was like now. When I switched to the right channel a gal who I thought I heard called "Willow" did some singing. The song was the typical edgy one SNL has always been known to present from their musical guests, but the second one she sang a bit later in the show was just a stream of incomprehensible yelling and screeching into the microphone. What I found interesting is after each song she smiled and bowed to the audience, almost as if to virtue-signal "Look at me, just so you know, I am a kind and caring individual, and you should all know I do appreciate the freedom you all give me to be me and share my visceral anger in artistic expression."

These young adults think they are being super hip and cutting-edge and nouveau and all that, but they are all always in every circumstance exactly the same. Their common sentiment comes straight from precisely what the World System Ops tell them is acceptable to be and feel and do. Many people are so worried about the looming nuclear holocaust that will emerge from the blaring manufactured saber-rattling between Russia and the United States, but what is happening to our children in terms of what is being fed their souls is the real holocaust that is ravaging our country right now.

The crazy thing is that a sketch broadcast towards the very end of the evening's show was actually a quite profound statement against one of the things so many in this generation ferociously think is a firm identity-establishing condition: that one may select his own "gender identity" and should be able to medically mutilate his or her body to demonstrate that.

The sketch featured a woman who surgically switched out her own natural eyeballs for a pair of toy googly-eyes. The entire bit was about how she felt the need for validation but endured everyone else sharing the obvious -- mutilating yourself in this way is tremendously stupid.

Bottom line is that our children today are being raised by adults who are still children themselves, brought up in the 60s and 70s by parents who taught them their "self-esteem" was what mattered most no matter how much it was best to demonstrate wisdom and character deep within the person as extended into the interactive community. Often this was coupled with teaching the precepts of the "sexual revolution," the benighted idea one could not help what they did with their sexual behavior so the consequences of that behavior were unimportant.

When all of this reaches a demonstrable critical mass among our children and young adults, it will destroy our nation, it will. Many think it already has.

I'm a teacher of 16 and 17 year-old high-schoolers. I'm a mentor teacher teaching aspiring-teacher young adults how to teach. I see the great volumes the things young adults today think and feel and believe and behave. I know. I see it all the time.

Today we were at the Little League game of a five year-old relative, and while I watched the game from behind the right field line behind me to my right was a woman who was running with her 2 1/2 year-old waddling behind her giggling joyfully in chase. What a joy to watch, mother, very young daughter, reveling in life.

Then I noticed something that I think says a lot.

The mother was holding up her cell phone at the little girl.


You could say it was nothing different than any parents taking a photo of their child with a camera. You could say the photograph was just for posterity, just like the ones in all of our photo albums.

What I think is that she was doing it to share something spiffy on social media.

If that's the case, then no wonder our children today are going to be even worse than the adult children today. We're telling them, You've got to perform here, make everyone believe my life is wonderful. Children are not allowed to just live the joy of the moment with a parent. They're just useful for TikTok videos, instruments for being some kind of some thing just for the sake of the parent and whatever they want. This was made painfully evident with the idiotic Covid policies when adults told children they must wear a filthy face diaper at all times or inject themselves with lethally dangerous chemicals, or the adults will have something bad happen to them.

This is just the ugliest institutionally sanctioned narcissism there is.

And they're still doing it.

Think a nuclear exchange between Russia and the United States is bad? 

Wait and see what the children will start doing...


The images are both screenshots from the Saturday Night Live episode from October 8 2022.



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