Non-Violence is Not So Non-Violent

I've been seeing a number of videos from the UK showing climate alarmists in bright construction safety vests lined up sitting on a street blocking traffic. The idea surely is you should not be driving your vehicle because it uses fossil fuels so they're there to forcefully make the statement.

The worst of those videos feature people pleading with the police officers nearby to remove them and those officers do nothing. Another shows an officer letting the protestors know if they need anything like a cup of water to just let them know. Amazing. I'm just not sure any of these people realize that someone's life might be on the line, for instance someone needing to get to the hospital but can't because of the traffic caused by these people.

Some videos, however, feature individuals taking things into their own hands, getting out of their vehicles, and trying to physically drag these people off the street. It is comical because after being dragged away, the protestor just returns to his spot on the street. I thought, huh, what about an individual going to the other stopped vehicles and seeing if there were others who'd help. That should work. Strength in numbers. Then each recruited individual could restrain each protestor on the sidewalk -- I assume without too much violence since the protestors are all about doing this nonviolently.

The problem, of course, is that now those drivers are now themselves not in their vehicles nor are they able to move on to their own important appointments. They simply should not have to be doing that -- law enforcement should be doing that. But they've been so kowtowed to the leftist humanist principle of showcased virtue-signaling and laboring to not appear like Nazi stormtroopers in viral social media videos that will be widely broadcast by the New York Times that, well -- there you go.

The other major problem is that this is just a miniscule battle that is a part of the larger war that will, eventually culminate in a nuclear holocaust. Really, think about it, why not recruit hundreds of people to stop the climate alarmists organization in it tracks? Well, that's just it. Now you have a real battle. The end game for any of these belligerents is annihilation of those they with whom they disagree. How can this not end in something like, oh, a nuclear exchange?

Actually, with weapons technology now I kind of think all the fear-mongering talk about the imminent nuking of the planet is a bit melodramatic. The point is people positioning themselves in the street to begin with -- which itself is indeed a violent act no matter how much they screech they're all Gandhian/MLK Jr.ian non-violent and all -- and the subsequent dragging them away can only end in some major combative conflagration between opposing forces.

It has been happening for many millennia really, and it is what the World System is all about.

Constant war. I heard a pretty well-known whistleblower say something like "The governments of the world don't want to end wars, they want endless wars because they are so lucrative."

It'd be nice to see more see things from the Kingdom and reside in peace deep in the embrace of The Savior. Not sure I see much of Him represented as the only alternative to the evils people see going out there. 

But He's always there.


The image is a screenshot from a story in the Evening Standard. Thank you.



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